Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

perception's picture
perception posted a new Poem titled Facade 22 years ago
9/11/01 She always wears a smile On her lovely face Her parents make her dress In pretty clothes of lace You've never seen her cry S...
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perception's picture
perception posted a new Poem titled Fast Life 22 years ago
9/18/01 Little girl so pretty with flowers in her hair Little girl so pretty didn’t want to share Precious little angel with makeup on h...
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perception's picture
perception posted a new Poem titled Funeral List 22 years ago
9/13/01     If I wanted pity   You’d know it by now    But I really don’t know if we're really fr...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] ذات لـيـلـه باردة 22 years ago

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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] يـا أغـلى روح 22 years ago
وأنـا مـثلك تـرا عـارف حـبك في الغلا كل مالي يـا أغـلى روح تـسايرني وتـوقد حـباها الـغالي ومـن أغـلى مـن روحك بدت ...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] عـنـدمـا أحـبـبـت 22 years ago
عـنـدمـا  أحـبـبـت كــنـت اعــلـم ان هـــذا هـــو طـريـقـي و  اعــلـم ان مـــن مـنـحـني الـحـب قــادر يـزيـدني...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] حـبـي وأشـواقـي 22 years ago
ولـــك حـبـي وأشـواقـي وكـل  مـا تـم في الوقت باقي وانـت ضـوء روحـي الشاقي ليت العمر يبقى اشكر فيك خلاقي
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] سـأهتف 22 years ago
سـأهتف  لـلدنا فـرحا وبـك تتهياء وحدتنا ولـك  تـنساق دروب النور وبك تسموا محبتنا ولـك  تـغرد أطـيارا عـشقت إ...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] قالب لقلبان 22 years ago
ما            اغرب          ...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] اشــتــقـت إلـــيــك 22 years ago
اشــتــقـت إلـــيــك فـــاعــذري تــقــطـع  مــوجـاتـنـا الـهـاتـفـة فـضـلـت فـــي مـوجـتـي ســارحـا أصـــــور الــسـحـابـة الـ...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Part 5:The Calm 22 years ago
You dispising gaze mocks me as you wait these seconds long retaliations and decieving your expectations are great for this. Explainations f...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Part 4:Memories Resurfaced 22 years ago
I anticipate your strike waiting, worrying to fearful to breathe as the silence melds with dark. I sit on the earth eye to eye, thoughts be...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Part 3:The Fall of Pride 22 years ago
A scream slips through my lips as the haze does clear realizations push upfront as memories fill my eyes. The pain excrutiates I feel my hea...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Part 2:The Demise 22 years ago
I fall to my knees sink within the sand my grave, my true solice. A melancholy peace,bitter unreasoning to my fears all consuming to my pri...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Part 1: Righteous Blindness 22 years ago
Closing my eyes blinking slowly pulling back tears willing them not to emerge to admit defeat in acceptence to mourn a fatal loss tho...
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