Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Cling To Life 22 years ago
Minute by minute, pass by, and I sit and wonder, if you’re still clinging to life, or if you’ve let go. Minutes turn to hours, still no word...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Why Do I Deserve To Live 22 years ago
Why do I deserve to live, when your life, could possibly be over? ~ Why do I deserve to live, while you’re lying in a hospital bed, clinging...
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myrataal's picture
myrataal posted a new Poem titled Decomposed Garden 22 years ago
here i am back now in this silent garden of sunset and deep shadow growing on shrubs and trees this garden with its sorrow pruned back...
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TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled THE POTTER ( for Nikki) 22 years ago
                 I  SAW  GOD, THE POTTE...
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dragon's picture
dragon posted a new Poem titled Bring It On 22 years ago
Get up Lets see what you're made of Bring it on You know I'm not afraid There's no way That you can slow me down now It's time To show you w...
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GabulousGabby's picture
GabulousGabby posted a new Poem titled Vodka Veined 22 years ago
Plastic embittered harridan Edging into the cauldron Vodka veined beaten up face Like a bag of spanners Black edged petals float and fall P...
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oh_so_odd's picture
oh_so_odd posted a new Poem titled Inflicted wounds 22 years ago
she screams at me for no reason I listen with tears in my eyes Dig my nails deeper in my side Until it bleeds uncontrolled I try to fix wha...
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kat's picture
kat posted a new Poem titled -The Sanitorium 22 years ago
   The Sanitorium I sat waiting in the peacefulness of the garden the scent of roses  and fresh grass in the air...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Nearthing 22 years ago
To hoard or count farthings .. from her soul is a far thing TRIANGLES What if Alan Ginsburg went back in time.. escaped the Warsaw ghetto...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled How Do Chickens Die? Let Us Count 16 Of The Ways 22 years ago
  How do chickens die? After reading this, many would conclude the best way to prevent this is to stop giving butchers a profit mot...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Pluto, One Heart Drum 22 years ago
PLUTO As Pluto traverses its solar ellipse .. it removes the locks which eclipse your lips   ONE HEART DRUM With many threads of li...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Pumpkin Patch, Wind Dacoit, Time Tides, Fall Gifts, Redappling 22 years ago
    Pumpkin Patch * The sun bandit broke open the latch and crept into the pumpkin patch.. She has left orange orbs with Her signa...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Marblehead 22 years ago
When I leave my body .. I want no marble head over a grave with lies proclaiming I am dead May my ash make no splash as it sifts into the u...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled * Poems To Holy Places 22 years ago
  * AFRICAN VIOLET * Purple is the African violet a symbol of the African soul.. each ultraviolet each one ever inviolate * STALINGRAD...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] يـا بعد حي وغايب 22 years ago
تـجمل  يـا بعد حي وغايبعـيون النور ما تمسى عتامه وطيب  العود بطباعك رتايبو ريح المسك في قلب علامه رميت اليدين في كف الحبايببـهم اق...
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