May we be blessed
to enjoy every moment we can with our children
and our grandchildren
enjoy every moment….before…
We turn around one day and realize…
they are not children or grandchildren any more.
It’s funny what went through my mind…the joy….the wonder….the pride
when I looked into the eyes of my grandson,
as he looked into the eyes of his bride.
As I watched this wonderful young man…I found it difficult to understand….
where all the time has gone since I could pick him up…
and carry him with one hand?
Since I took him for walks in his stroller….
and pointed out all the things there were to see.
When did this little boy I use to cradle…
become taller and wiser than me?
I still see that same smile…that same eagerness…
that same innocence and joy
as I saw in him every time I picked him up when he was a little boy.
But gone are the days I could pick him up…
or tuck him into bed snug as a bug in a rug
Those times I would carry him around the house when he visited
have been replaced with a ‘Hi PopPop” and a hug.
Oh I am not complaining…everything is great…it’s wonderful…it’s good.
Life has moved on as it is meant to move on…as it always should.
But as I stood there watching Damien marry the love of his life….
when I heard the wedding bell chime….
I thought back and wondered how great it would be
If I could pick him up with one hand
and carry him…
one more time.
We’re taught that time moves ever forward…in a solid line…with no slack…
that the eyes of time stare straight ahead…never looking back.
But we have found the older we grow…this isn’t always true.
because sometimes, if you’re lucky, time will circle back to you.
Deborah and I spent a lot of time with our children
and our grandchildren when they were young.
That was our intent..
Homework, holidays, birthdays, soccer games…
we considered it time well spent.
We saw them at their best and worst behavior
We felt their joy and sadness too.
They saw us the same and learned how we were human too.
We sang with them, we danced with them
Deborah baked some of their birthday cakes.
From us they learned no-one is perfect and it’s okay to make mistakes.
We like to think, when each and every one of our family members
look back on our life together…it’s those times they will remember.
Yesterday Ava, our youngest grandchild…who’s about to turn 18
proved, without a doubt, exactly what I mean.
She texted us that she and two friends were in Dunedin…and thus
wanted to know if she could come by and spend a little time with us.
As we visited with Ava and her friends I thought…
how time does have some slack…
how every now and then she allows us to circle back.
Yes, time does move ever forward…we know this to be true…
But if you spend time with your children and grandchildren
when they are young…
when you are all a little older they will circle back
and spend some time with you.
There is a secret to dealing with time
so we’re not angry, confused or perplexed….
It’s to enjoy this moment
let it pass
then welcome in the next.
We know the exact moment our time on Earth began
but since we don’t know exactly when it will end
may we think of time less as an enemy
and accept her as our friend
And in the span that she has given us
before she puts us all to bed
may we treat the world with kindness
and leave no important word unsaid.