We’re taught that time moves ever forward…in a solid line…with no slack…

that the eyes of time stare straight ahead…never looking back.


But we have found the older we grow…this isn’t always true.

because sometimes, if you’re lucky, time will circle back to you.


Deborah and I spent a lot of time with our children 

and  our grandchildren when they were young.

That was our intent..

Homework, holidays, birthdays, soccer games…

we considered it time well spent.


We saw them at their best and worst behavior

We felt their joy and sadness too.

They saw us the same and learned how we were human too.


We sang with them, we danced with them

Deborah baked some of their birthday cakes.

From us they learned no-one is perfect and it’s okay to make mistakes.


We like to think, when each and every one of our family members

look back on our life together…it’s those times they will remember.


Yesterday Ava, our youngest grandchild…who’s about to turn 18

proved, without a doubt, exactly what I mean.


She texted us that she and two friends were in Dunedin…and thus

wanted to know if she could come by and spend a little time with us.


As we visited with Ava and her friends I thought…

how time does have some slack…

how every now and then she allows us to circle back.


Yes, time does move ever forward…we know this to be true…

But if you spend time with your children and grandchildren 

when they are young…

when you are all a little older they will circle back

and spend some time with you. 

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