From the moment of our birth…as we compose our daily rhyme…
we are free-floating on a river…a river we call time.
Somewhere as we’re floating…perhaps in a moment of silent reflection…
We realize this river of time flows at one speed…and in only one direction.
We accept these restrictions created by this stream….
knowing if the current ever stopped flowing…
we’d have no memories…no dreams.
There are times of sorrow, however, times that make us cry
times of tragedy and disaster…
when we wish that river of time would flow along a little faster.
There are other times, however, times of great happiness and joy
perfect moments that make us smile….
when we wish that river would slow down…or pause a little while.
But wishing time will speed up or slow down…leaves us disappointed and frustrated…
because we know that’s not how time works…not how she was created.
So we do our best to enjoy the ride as we float on this ever-flowing stream
content to turn our moments into memories…and our wishes into dreams.