Our life is like a book of endless short stories..

filled with a myriad of highs and lows.

Stories we will write today stretching as far back as our memory goes.


One of the wonders and beauty we possess…as every day we age

is how easily a memory can be triggered…opening our book to a certain page. 


Sometimes it a thing, a word, a photo…a melody…

and before we know it our book is opened to that page in our memory.


Today before my morning walk…two memories awoke…

both of them unplanned.

Stirred by Deborah’s dad’s old fishing hat 

and her mom’s cast iron frying pan. 


I stopped and smiled at the memories evoked

and since there were more memories I wanted to see…

I asked these two memories if they’d like to take a walk with me.


So as the three of us walked this morning 

with the stars shining and the wind whistling through the trees…

I perused through a few short stories in the book of my memories.


What a beautiful walk we had this morning…

and to think it all began…

with memories awakened by an old fishing hat

and a cast iron frying pan.

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