inch and a half

An Inch and a Half

Author's Notes/Comments: 

We should all be reading an inch and a half beyond the last line.  I hesitate to explain because to me its obvious, but I think no, I have a different agenda.  I asked for a poem.  I wanted a love poem.  I got a beautiful, sensual poem of my earthy appeal, short about an inch and a half.  It was our relationship, hungry and satisfying, but the obvious part, I wanted more, more of love.  Here's the less obvious part.  I fear the invisible lines would have veted out the fact there is no love, but sex and companionship.  There is love, but no "in love." The stuff that poets write and sonnets are filled with, Sigh.

maintenance changing a line from  

sighed. But,

she thinks the thought

of many before, "What more

would he say," what is it 

she would see, 


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