


May we be blessed to understand when we’re disheartened

discourage and frustrated

at something new we are trying to learn…

trying our best to do…


That every expert, every champion 

every first place gold medal winner 

before they became an expert, a champion, 

or a first place gold medal winner

was also a beginner too.

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 We’ve seen time and time again the horrible consequences

when Mother Nature turns her wrath upon our nation….

Like when the high tides, the winds and the rains of Hurricane Helene

left in her wake a path of devastation.


For a while every day the reality was right before our eyes

In the headlines of our newspapers, on the internet…streaming on TV.

We saw it on anguished faces, in swollen rivers, with every fallen tree…


Immediately after the hurricane as I walked my normal beat

I saw entire contents of house after house…piled near the street.


Walking among the ruins…it was difficult to avoid

the sorrow I felt for all the lives uprooted…all the memories destroyed.


It’s been seven weeks now…the debris has been removed 

Hurricane Helene no longer poses an immediate threat

and since I was basically unaffected…it becomes easier for me to forget.


To forget even though the winds have subsided and the water is no longer flowing

for those who were directly effected by the hurricane..the suffering is ongoing.


For those of us not directly in her path…with our life no longer on hold…

we begin to think of other things…as new headlines replace the old.


So today…a little reminder…to keep in our hearts, our souls…our minds

those who have been unable to move on…

who have not left their suffering behind.

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