
Psalm 63:4

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From my book of poetry, entering the Holy Spirit.

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My Aunt's Piano

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Tales and Fables
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Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reedited 06.26.2019 (for an incorrect use of a preposition in "on the process" & since have changed it to "in the process"):  


I wrote a free verse poem approximately on (possibly around the afternoon or dusk, or even in the evening hrs.) This was posted on my Twitter account on the 10th of the same month.  Its working title was changed from "Shoelace" to "Shoestrings" in the process.  Pls. kindly bear w/ it, as 'tis also an affected poem. 

A Year Or So Ago

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A poem I was too scared to post for a long time. Funny how time heals. 

I Held Back

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had an open mic a few months back. A good friend of mine asked me to perform at her show she had built from scratch. I was eager to help, having performed at her show before (see 'Other Life') and had performed with (see 'Corpse Pose'). Anyway, I was there and I choked. I held back. I instantly wrote two new poems and read one decent poem, and another, lacking. I cursed myself for doing so. This poem is about that hesitation.

Unrequited Puzzle Pieces

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is an allegorical analogy of true stuff. tell me what you think....

The Happiness of Today

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To be or not to be the happiness of today?