
13 g o b l e t s

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Straight from The Cauldron's brew, The 13 Goblets are filled and lifted towards the ancient sigil, which glows an eerie phosphorescence, joining the candleabras and chandelier in the gloomy room, upon which hangs a serpent. 13 robed forms in attendance, imbibing the Powerful elixir bestowing Strength, immortality.

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13 m i r r o r s

Author's Notes/Comments: 

There are 13 mirrors within each of the 13 rooms in Blackthorne Manor. Each serve as a veritable Portalways for either Demonic summoning, necromantic communication, or clairevoyant devices for Witchcraft. Inscribing The Pentagram thereupon the glass itself activates these for these purposes, which can then operate as a two-way communication oracle as well as pathway.

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13 r o o m s

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The entire House and the shadowy occupants have become a veritable lightning rod for demonic activity, and the mathemagics of 13 resplendant throughout, attracts dark energies and opens portals to Hell.

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V for Vendetta

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem was inspired watching a movie on Netflix called V for Vendetta...

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Being Real

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just skimmed over something talking about people being shamed for having gray hair and I commented 


Why should anybody be ashamed of being real? The fake ones out there...they should be ashamed of being fake...fake flakes...ha ha
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The Endless Cycle...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

STILL not quiet finished hehe

Just added a little abstract :) and fixed some grammatical mistakes...

Oh, I also strongly encourage you to share this poem if you enjoyed it!

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"Her Glacier"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Normally I'm all about the sensory imagery and using a wide vocabulary, and I know that poetry tends to be much more elaborate than prose, but I feel like the emotions and symbolism you are trying to convey are being lost behind all the extra words you're squeezing in. A lot of the words you've chosen come across as either redundant or misplaced, and that gets a little distracting for your reader(s). As you keep working on this piece, consider whether some of your word choices could be pared back, simplified, or eliminated all together. That will help emphasize the meanings you are trying to express.
Also take some time to consider the purpose of your punctuation. I know that ellipses seem like a nice, dramatic way to emphasize specific phrases and images, but overusing them in this way makes the reader feel like they're constantly trying to catch their breath. Which, hey, could be the very point! Just a thought I had." - C.J. Holmes

A Love Poem

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

@2017, J.J., The Netherlands

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