Sometimes, life is too cruel, sometimes it's mind boggling..Reason/s why I took the risk of letting my emotional distress...One is, to release and breath-out loud.. Two, to escape the monotony of my life during those times..penning this poem is one great way to ease the unexplainable paranoia I was suffering then. It somehow helped me but not totally cured's not that bec. I got some neuro prob..but I was just in my life's lowest point. Originally manuscripted last June 02, 2001. On the contrary, it was nice in the state of depression sometimes because it fuels us to think deeper, contemplate and meticulously plan the next step we must make..afraid of committing mistakes again..but then, it is a known fact that mistakes is inevitable sometimes..optimism will save us from falling into great depression and counting our blessings as well..Whoah..what a great relief..hehehe!