this poem was born out of sheer boredom at work. it was made for my sister-in-law, rachael, hoping to make her laugh.
This cat developed a taste for human flesh. Some of the lads woke up to find it on their chests. Stephen King stuff I can tell you.
Do we really see each other? I mean.. when someone you care about is hurting.. can you really tell.. or do they hide it well.
i dont know.. i was really sucking the knife, but i dont know why i wrote this... its just too bizarre, i'm not sure what the meaning is!
This Is About The Prettiest Person That I Know.
The hassles we as women go through to try to gain appreciation.. haha.. actually, I wrote it to be funny,.. but it is the truth.
Vicki is my real-life friend who never gets overly excited even if this really happened to her. The poem was written while bored at school.. after having watched too many movies.