I truly wish a poem like this: I truly wish a poem like this had been available in October, 1975, when I first experienced the urge to become a Poet. This Poem, in its shimmering magnificence, is and will be a guiding star to young Poets. I believe that this one of the most important poems on this site.
That would be both a: That would be both a privilege and an honour, if it were to be so: a service to the education of our future generations. Thanks kindly
This is brilliant, and: This is brilliant, and perfect---except for the single use of the word "thee" in a poem where "you/your" dominate. You are so good at Poetry that the "thee" must certainly be an oversight.
Observation: It has been observed that, as soon as we are born, we begin the business of dying. This though gives me a sense of belonging. Very observsnt poem well penned.
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