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J-Called commented on: Look Inside by Savvart 24 weeks 3 days ago
I applaud your skilled use of: I applaud your skilled use of the ballad quatrain to present your poem's subject.
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beaconzbard commented on: A LIFE FULL OF SIN by beaconzbard 24 weeks 4 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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Teytonon commented on: Who I Am by metaphorist 24 weeks 4 days ago
Maybe I can put a smile..: Maybe I can put a smile on your face by telling you about the man waiting on line at the airport to buy a ticket who decides he's too important to wait and barges to the front of the line, demanding to be helped immediately. 'I demand you help me. I must get on the next plane. I want my ticket NOW!' 'Sir, there are people ahead of you. You need to wait like everyone else' 'NO! I can't wait! Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am?' The ticket agent gets on the P.A. system and says 'There's a gentleman here at the ticket counter who doesn't know who he is. Is there anyone who can help him?'  
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tula commented on: —hawakan ang aking mga bisig (in Tagalog language) by tula 24 weeks 4 days ago
Well-received.: (Well-received.)
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J-Called commented on: + 27.225 MHz: Brief Poem About Patriciajj's Poetry [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 24 weeks 4 days ago
Thank you very much for your: Thank you very much for your comment.  My admiration of your Poetry knows no bounds.  I am so amazed that, almost four years ago, Jan 21 of 2020, stilll in the hospital, partly paralyzed, and thinking that my life was about to unravel, God led me to your Poetry, to "Gates Of Orion."  The kind of thrill I experienced when I began to read your work only happened to me twice before:  when I was directed to the Poems of T. S. Eliot, and then, later, to those of Wallace Stevens.  And, just as when I first read their Poems, once I started reading yours, I never looked back (and never needed or wanted to).  My life has been made far more satisfactory because of both your Poetry and the friendship with which you have blessed me.  That day in the hospital changed me; and now, three days away from its fourth anniversary, I applaud---even more loudly and enthusiastically---the grandeur of your Cosmic vision, and the exponential artistry of your verbal skill.
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patriciajj commented on: + 27.225 MHz: Brief Poem About Patriciajj's Poetry [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 24 weeks 4 days ago
I don’t know if I can contain: I don’t know if I can contain the monsoon of gratitude I feel after reading your gift of grandeur. Your own creation reached "into the vast star fields" when it comes to kindness, appreciation and artistic excellence.   I call myself a poet, but when it comes to finding words that match the value of your support, I find the human vocabulary to be sadly lacking. So until I learn the language of angels, all I can say is: thank you, thank you and again, thank you!  
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patriciajj commented on: —hawakan ang aking mga bisig (in Tagalog language) by tula 24 weeks 4 days ago
I wish I could read your: I wish I could read your wonderful poems in their original language. You're right about the distortions of Google Translate, but even with that barrier, I could perceive the emotions, the depth, the insight and the eloquence of your work of art. Thank you for your intelligent and appreciative response to my comment.    Keep bringing beauty to this site.   
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tula commented on: —hawakan ang aking mga bisig (in Tagalog language) by tula 24 weeks 4 days ago
Your visitation makes it more interesting.: Reedited 01.17.2024 [14:14, 16:20 ditto]:   I thank you, patriciajj, for gracing my page or for just taking the time for it.  I've slipped into these, crunched in time, whenever I felt like I have something subliminal overhanging or suspended somewhere/caught in-between/midway/in midstream my thoughts.  I felt deeply about studying my own native language in direct constrasts with the elements of the English language structure, as if reading through interlinear glosses (because of the wide gap that my own language the [interlanguage process] I thought) that it creates [i.e., a huge barrier] in understanding the diglossic or polygossic nature of Tagalog [which becomes Filipino].  The marked off distinctions are hard to come by/to notice/pick out, examining them while I also chat with people in a cyber anthropological way in a former instance or iin another platform, viz. as discussants/chatters/chatmates/participants behind the screen or whatnot..thereby gleaning how each interactional (Interactional Linguistics) data could give way/lend its way (for my insights).. to arrive at a hypothesis somehow.  It was an experimental poem.  (I have to go..for work now. Again, thank you for your expended time checking out my portfolio. I apologize but I needed to go to work for my shift.)
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tula commented on: —hawakan ang aking mga bisig (in Tagalog language) by tula 24 weeks 4 days ago
My fear was that it all shall be lost in translation.: Reedited 01.17.2024 [14:10, 16:14 rechecmed and corrected some grammatocal/semantical errors for clarifications]:  I have done it.  I cut and pasted this poem onto Google translate & have already known how its algorithmically going to discombobulate the audience even further.  I was merely experimenting quite haphazardly on the way this somehow turns out, as if in a jerry-rigged type of structure.  I was aware how my composition should work out/turn out using Tagalog colloquialisms, eye dialect, sociolects, and whatnot..which Google would not necessarily supposed to give translations to/for (even if it's not Google that is being used, but our own official Tagalog dictionaries found online).  My hypothesis was giving me the results as expected/intended (what I was looking for).  —My own expressions' quality was probably clear enough when i figured out that my intention and its sheer meaningfulness slipped in the slippery slopes of it all (phe lmenology, micro-phenomenology, etc.) & A.I. does not do justice to our cognitive linguistics and many other data input..regarding what we'd like to send accross..which reminded me of "Mokusatsu".  Have a good one (I had to go due to my shift at work).
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patriciajj commented on: branches of a tree by arqios 24 weeks 5 days ago
An ingenious use of form and: An ingenious use of form and blissful, natural language create the effect of ecstatic freedom. Everything about this is supreme and strikingly executed. Congratulations on another stunner! 
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patriciajj commented on: —hawakan ang aking mga bisig (in Tagalog language) by tula 24 weeks 5 days ago
I'm glad I took the time to: I'm glad I took the time to translate this because I feel that I've unearthed a luminous treasure. It gleams with higher wisdom, heart-clutching honesty and pure magnificence. Still stunned . . .
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S74rw4rd commented on: Is he? God’s Son thinks so by Teytonon 24 weeks 5 days ago
Thank you,  I think I will: Thank you,  I think I will send you a PM, that would be a more courteous path for me to follow.
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S74rw4rd commented on: I Was Given Another Miracle Last Night by S74RW4RD 24 weeks 5 days ago
Thank you for commenting on: Thank you for commenting on this particular essay, I really appreciate it.   In some ways, I feel as light as a feather, spiritually, now that this burden has been lifted off me.  One aspect that just now occurs to me:  if I had followed through, and if the connections I made through the grad school had brought me to an assignment at the catacombs, what kind of guilt would I have felt, at this same age, when I realized that I had disturbed the peaceful repose of our spiritual brethren, whose relics are in Rome?  Although my parents thwarted my ambition for the wrong reasons, their action (like when Joseph's brothers sold him into bondage in Egypt) worked for my greater good.  So, in a paradoxical way, they helped me by hindering me.   Twnety years ago, or even two years ago, I would not have been able to understand this.  But, as I continue toward the inevitable day of my departure (and I say that without fear), I feel, every so often, a lightening---like when we begin to discard winter clothing for spring than summer, or exchane snowboots for flipflops.  And that lightening process confirms to me that my Faith is not misplaced.  And all of this because, thirty years and one week ago, I  embraced real faith (not just academic curiosity---which had been my stance in high school and college) and never looked back. Thank you so much for understanding what I attempted to express here.
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patriciajj commented on: I Was Given Another Miracle Last Night by S74RW4RD 24 weeks 5 days ago
As I read this, I could feel: As I read this, I could feel the massive emotional boulder lifted from your spirit and, like a metamorphosis, you flew to a higher plane! What an inspiring and instructive testimony that can offer comfort to many people who have had their cherished dreams thwarted.   But here, because of your profound connection to The Most High, you reveal that things often do work out exactly as they should.   It reminds me of the verse about seeing through a glass darkly. How blessed you were to have this expanded viewpoint without having to die. Just a preview of the liberating wisdom to come!    Dropping emotional baggage is also something we should all do for our own well-being, whether we have only a few days left or a hundred years. Thank you for elevating us.   
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Teytonon commented on: Is he? God’s Son thinks so by Teytonon 24 weeks 5 days ago
Yes, of course.: Yes, of course.
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