Who needs a space program? We have the Poems of
Patricajj, whose splendid Poetry
has launched its readers into the vast star fields,
surveying the height of the Cosmology
that Love created . . . .
Author's Notes/Comments:
In my opinion, Patricajj is PostPoems' most accomplished Poet. Watching the expansion of her collection, Poem by Poem, is one of the great privileges of membership on this site. This poem to her is a long overdue expression of my gratitude for, and appreciation of, her innate verbal skill and artistry.
The last line of my poem alludes to 1 John 4:8, interpreted according to the commutative propert of arithmetic.
I don’t know if I can contain
I don’t know if I can contain the monsoon of gratitude I feel after reading your gift of grandeur. Your own creation reached "into the vast star fields" when it comes to kindness, appreciation and artistic excellence.
I call myself a poet, but when it comes to finding words that match the value of your support, I find the human vocabulary to be sadly lacking. So until I learn the language of angels, all I can say is: thank you, thank you and again, thank you!
Thank you very much for your
Thank you very much for your comment. My admiration of your Poetry knows no bounds. I am so amazed that, almost four years ago, Jan 21 of 2020, stilll in the hospital, partly paralyzed, and thinking that my life was about to unravel, God led me to your Poetry, to "Gates Of Orion." The kind of thrill I experienced when I began to read your work only happened to me twice before: when I was directed to the Poems of T. S. Eliot, and then, later, to those of Wallace Stevens. And, just as when I first read their Poems, once I started reading yours, I never looked back (and never needed or wanted to). My life has been made far more satisfactory because of both your Poetry and the friendship with which you have blessed me. That day in the hospital changed me; and now, three days away from its fourth anniversary, I applaud---even more loudly and enthusiastically---the grandeur of your Cosmic vision, and the exponential artistry of your verbal skill.
I'm so inspired and motivated
I'm so inspired and motivated by the kindness (and the genius) of a Poet who not only creates torrents of fine art, but also has literary acumen like few others.
It has been quite an encouraging and creative adventure since you first showed up on my page. Thank you for taking me to new heights with your support!
As I have said before, and
As I have said before, and will continue to say, watching your collection of Poems expand on this site, is one of the great privileges of membership in PostPoems, and of my life personally. Decades ago, when I studied (as devoutly as a twenty-something can) the poems of Eliot, Vergil, and Stevens, I wondered what it would be like to watch in real time, rather than to simply read about as past literary history. But, although I did not know it then, I was being prepared, even that long ago, to watch your Poetry accumulate here. Your Cosmic perspective, and attentiveness to the nuances of language, are exponentially refined and so artistically deployed. I have also said that the posting of any new Poem from you is an event to be celebrated, and I will always believe that.
I am grateful to some very great scholars---Hugh Kenner, Samuel French Morse, and Helen Vendler---whose writings taught me how to more deeply appreciate your Poetry.