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allets commented on: Bombs and Science by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Not a Peasant: But if crumbs are inflation, I may qualify in a few years. All the payouts filtered up fast. Where is this free food? (Sorry). Not just science truly. Yatchs and mansions. Hmmm...  . Lady A .  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Gotta Give It To The Man by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Thank you.: Oh, "The Man" is more and more becoming "The Woman", don't worry. We can look forward to an equal opportunity abuse in the future, at least equal opportunity among the men and women born in the right-sized mansions.   Outside of children, I nod to you that there are no innocent parties to the world's woes. But the burden of responsibility for our err's is not nearly so fairly distributed, of course. Intentionally built faulty airplanes that kill hundreds of people, draw a fine, maybe have one scapegoat in the company charged. But go and be the guy or gal who makes faulty repairs on a rich man's car and see if you even make it past the "getting taken out behind the shed" phase to a trial date.   Or lie about alternate treatments to a disease and be a billionaire or a corporate news station, no problem. No need to apologize when it turns out that the "horse paste" actually would have saved a million lives or more, as studies have now proven. But be a "regular person" with a small following online and 'spread misinformation' (which may turn out not to be misinformation, ie. that supposed "horse paste") and have your ability to communicate, as well as perhaps make a living, cut off.   Yes, there's no innocent, but we do have a huge problem with distribution of responsiblity, and weird enough, it seems to correlate very strongly with the huge problem we have with distribution of wealth. Weird, right? ; )   Selling out, indeed. Politician is a job description. Whores for the ruling class bidders. People often look down on sanitation workers, as if they are the garbage rather than the takers away of garbage. Maybe we ought to realize, all together, who the garbage is and ask our sanitation workers to take them away : )   Let's disproportionately return the garbage to the garbage creaters - those mansions have huge lawns that would make nice landfills.    
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allets commented on: The Pharaoh's Wasted Ambition by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Consultation: Pharoahs made decisions based on oracles, or rather Egyptian versions of Oracles. The afterlife could not be imperiled. They had household gods. We don't have those. Darn! Cool write. . Lady A .
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allets commented on: You're too scared to read my mind any more by SSmoothie 2 years 30 weeks ago
Bravado Write: Every line, gems strewn! Thanks, I take strength from the rant. Encore. You tell em! You tell us! ;D ~A~
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allets commented on: MS. PAC-MAN OR LAUNDRY by georgeschaefer 2 years 30 weeks ago
Ms Pac Rocked: The more complexed the civilization, the more the need for the simplicity of play. And the two year plays with discarded wrapping paper and ribbon and imagination. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: NOW AND THEN by georgeschaefer 2 years 30 weeks ago
"We are dead": . What if this is dream and when eyes close living commences? Dwell on that as if it is a useful endeavor, then come back home to the enigmatic here. . Lady A .  
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saiom commented on: Trip report by humanfruit 2 years 30 weeks ago
    shrooms should be:     shrooms should be legal   drug companies and doctors get monopoly power on what we can take  
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allets commented on: Salt Water Sand & Sun by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
A Lifelong Affliction: . I am adjective impaired. :D ~slc~Hi Bish :D  .  
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saiom commented on: Red ribbon by humanfruit 2 years 30 weeks ago
  when the last hourglass:   when the last hourglass grain of sand drops, and life in one body is finished the soul either takes a new human body or is so advanced he or she merges in God .. very rarely very bad people come back as other mammals..
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saiom commented on: Keep or delete? by humanfruit 2 years 30 weeks ago
    'God looks on sin as a:     'God looks on sin as a mother on her baby's first halting attempts to walk' sai baba   Sin is a learning experience in all souls' journey toward infinite love.. imo all souls arrive at the destination...the lord of love and light..    
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saiom commented on: CHAP 8- BRAINWAVES by humanfruit 2 years 30 weeks ago
travel in space:   Recently Star Trek's Wm Shatner accepted Bezos offer of a ride in space.. he came back and cried... saying it was so lonely to be out in the void.. with nothing but darkness to surround him
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saiom commented on: Melodies XLIX; An Englishman Visiting From Spanish Toledo by J-C4113D 2 years 30 weeks ago
re poem:     i asked Jason M what is favorite poem was    he said Poe's Annabel Lee
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saiom commented on: Was This, Perhaps, Only The Beginning Of An Epidemic? [April 15th, 1912] by J-C4113D 2 years 30 weeks ago
reaction: can you tell us what the final sentence is   drowning is horrible multiplied by the freezing waters and the separation of men from their wives
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shawon1982 commented on: ১৬ জানুয়ারী ২০২২ by shawon1982 2 years 30 weeks ago
thank you so much. I am very: thank you so much. I am very happy to get your comment. <3
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Pungus commented on: Armadillo by saiom 2 years 30 weeks ago
Petite Poems: I love your petite poems
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