Trip report



There are no answers

Remembrance of avenues

Perilous and melting

Sinister strains of self

Hieroglyphs on the screen

What does it mean?

I am being irresponsible 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

On 1 gram of shrooms I got from a coworker

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georgeschaefer's picture

'shrooms were always a lot of

'shrooms were always a lot of fun

saiom's picture

    shrooms should be



shrooms should be legal


drug companies and doctors get monopoly power

on what we can take




saiom's picture



that's a disappointing report  

i've wanted to take psilocybin ever since someone said it takes away a

fear of death... i don't fear death but i would like to experience the

peace of such a trip.. I understand the mushroom grows mainly on cowpies