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allets commented on: the fall by karlmcallister 2 years 30 weeks ago
S'Been a while: Welcome back Lady A
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allets commented on: The Traveler (I Cried Upon Command) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Editorialization: . I just edited @ 30 pages of H'Santia Aye (a Khansman Novel) this am and erased 20% of older text. Rewrite,  added chapter headings  and chapter numbers. 5 hours work.  News similar process with multiple editors it is a wonder anything non-sensational survives, like a fact. Grain of salt, but tv news is a rating's party. Pbs radio has some merit, and aljazerra are like a room full of editors. Ending With: Something happened today. What? "the reasons for everything were more complicated. I concur. ~A~ 
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teresa_r commented on: YOU BROKE UP by chris 2 years 30 weeks ago
Chris:  I miss you very much now you know how I feel. You said you would always be there with all my health issues I miss talking to you very much.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Tolerance of the Fallen by saiom 2 years 30 weeks ago
Love your mom's phrase: It's easier to walk in others shoes, when having holes in one's own, too.  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Yes, the truth about the: Yes, the truth about the situation in Ukraine is much, much more complex than we're being told by our corporate-state merged television and print media. The coup in 2014 was so brushed-over in western media, particular in North America, that most people have no idea it happened, nor that it was all caused by the sudden ability to tap into previously unreachable natural gas deposits in Ukraine. Instantly, the US and NATO tried to move in from one end, and the Russians from the other. That's what this is about, as much as anything. It has nothing to do with caring about the lives of Ukrainians, who have been pawns in this game, even from their own government, which is entirely corrupted like virtually every other government in the world.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: WW3 Welcome To Reality by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 30 weeks ago
From Hall and Oates "Out of Touch": "Shake it up is all that we know Using the bodies up as we goI'm waking up to fantasyThe shades all around aren't the colors we used to seeBroken ice still melts in the sunAnd times that are broken can often be one againWe're soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meTake a look around" " Reaching out for something to holdLooking for a love where the climate is coldManic moves and drowsy dreamsOr living in the middle between the two extremesSmoking guns hot to the touchWould cool down if we didn't use them so much, yeahWe're soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meToo much" Added emphasis for what, to me, are the most important/relevant lines.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: WW3 Welcome To Reality by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 30 weeks ago
When pale-skinned Europeans are attacked it's suddenly WW3: Or so the news would have us believe, if we sit there and listen.   But not pale-skinned Asians, of course. We can dehumanize and starve those people. So it's not even a skin-color thing. It's a matter of playing on Eurocentricism to maintain and advance the monetary order.   Russia has fought several wars with surrounding countries since the end of the Soviet Union. None have led to an empire even close to the size of the old Soviet Empire, the British Empire, or the current American Empire. It's gonna come and pass, how ever tragic the events, if we can avoid further fanning the flames. That seems to be the biggest problem, right now.   Next to no one seemed to think it was WW3 when we started the War of Terror (not a typo), even though that actually involved invading 7 countries simultaneously at it's peak point. Perhaps because our media lied to us in the same way the Russian media lies to it's people. Now we're getting the other side of the story - and only the other side of the story - because it's convienent to the US and NATO. And no one thought it was WW3 when Saudi Arabia began a genocide in Yemen (still ongoing, like our wars in the Middle East and Northern Africa), either. A lot more weapons have been used and people have died in those invasions.   Maybe, combined, this is all one giant ongoing war we might be able to call a World War, when he look back on this, someday. As with other World War's, a global war for increased power of the super wealthy "elite". But, if we someday do dub it a World War, the starting date will be 2001, when we invaded Afghanistan, not 2022. Or, it might be in the late 90's, when we started moving NATO into territories that we promised the Russians we wouldn't (11 countries since the 90's, breaking the Cold War-ending pact).   You see, we have to look at both sides of the story. Everyone is wrong. Everyone.   Your heart, as is passionatedly displayed in this song, is in the right place. You don't want to see people suffer and die. Kudos to you, for that, for sure. But I encourage you to ask yourself why you haven't felt as inspired to write this passionatedly and frequently about Yemen, Syria, or any other country attacked by the US and it's allies in the last 20 years, such as Libya (which now has open child slave markets after we destroyed the country and left it in ashes). Read up on those places and you'll find out that the death, destruction, disease and starvation, as well as the collapse of civilization within those countries has been much, much worse as a result of our meddling.
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Spinoza commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Always Two Sides of a Coin: They say, the first casualty of war – is Truth.   It is a good thing to keep in mind, so not to be swept up in propaganda. And that goes for both sides of any conflict.   And too, it’s always good to know a bit of background.     Main Stream Media Wake Up Call   Oliver Stones Recently banned movie. "Ukraine on Fire"        
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allets commented on: IMAGES by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Powerful War Images: Lynching, drawing and quartering, Jean D'Arc syndrome, beheadings, every other scene in game of thrones. Public sees it (is conditioned) to see supreme violence as entertainment: rape and murder and burning. Bombing is an extension, death by pain is viewed x-rated torture. Inured or direly affected by images vary. Our children and theirs will be heirs to all of it. Hunger, human migration, purges, mass slaughter, genocides: virtully what we see and have seen on steroids. May we never see nuclear launches. . Peace? When was that?  Somewhere on Earth, someone is murdering someone else, singly or en masse all the time, every minute. In the mythology, god threw satan out of paradise and it was on! or humans are heiarchial and have to be best, biggest, baddest. Civilizations get too big, too powerful and then crumble internally or by those jealous or loathing their dominance. See Egypt, France, Germany, Macedonia, Aztec Civilization. Rome et al. The Crusades were no picnic.. Enter Russia and an EGO. Breast beating bully trying to scare bigger badder bullies. (EU, usa). Have you seen the usa drone that delivers 50#'s of explodive to destroy, well anything it wants directed by a soldier to avoid civvies? WMDs. That weapon, care of the Pentagon, is in $800 million package for Ukraine. . I am tired of disputes over land, olden scores, and mineral wealth. (See end of movie, Three Days of the Comdor,  Max Von Sidow and Bobby Redford. "They'll just want us to get it for 'em.") Talk about powerful images: most recent tech wars, pix hirishims nagasaki and Nam and vampire books and movies -  Peace? No. Wars, like poverty, gonna always with us. . Lady A .  
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Starward commented on: Tolerance of the Fallen by saiom 2 years 30 weeks ago
I have a friend very much: I have a friend very much like this.  He does not hold the Christian Scriptures in the faith I have, yet seems to believe it is alright to remind me of my failures in my responsibilty to them, even when that failure is in his defective perception. From Eliot's final play, The Elder Statesman, I borrow the appellation for my erstwhile friend.
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allets commented on: WW3 Welcome To Reality by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 30 weeks ago
We Watch: . We watch Own  no yardstick to measure future's goals. The Amazon has dry skin, fire and sere waves rise. A child wails in Somalia. . Big pictured, we raise tariff levels, cut off cash flow, back danger into an  empty corner. . Men cry for losses and charge, gun held close. World warms up silos and run end of homo sapiens drills. . Lady A .
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Pungus commented on: COLLAPSE by humanfruit 2 years 30 weeks ago
Wow: A beautiful comment
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Spinoza commented on: the current play by Spinoza 2 years 30 weeks ago
Cheers to our hallowed hall: This is what Post Poems is all about, and what I adore most… Dialogue & Exchange. May it be long-lived, in this hallowed hall.   To everyone that’s shared, I salute you.   ~/~      
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Spinoza commented on: IMAGES by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Begin in the Mirror : Wherever there’s something to be gained, there’s war. Be it in your back yard… across the street… or across the world.   War Is a Racket as Smedley Butler put it, in 1935. I reckon it’s been that way for thousands of years. It’s one of the unfortunate aspects of humanity. I don’t reckon we’ll ever see a cure for it, outside of divine intervention.   And that might be coming too, very soon.   But the one thing you can do, as John pointed out below – is start with the man in the mirror. Or woman, as it may be. It’s the one thing we can do.   Because our soul is our real estate, and that’s always the best place to begin.     ~/~      
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Spinoza commented on: Last of the Mohicans by Spinoza 2 years 30 weeks ago
Buckle-up – the ride is just starting : What boggles my mind most, is the open/widespread criminality manifesting everywhere. There is no tiny corner untouched by it.   The entire world, its politics, its medicine, its agriculture, its institutions of learning, the corporate media, the tech giants, the regulatory agencies… the entire apple, is rotten to the core.   It’s like we’re in the midst of some Lord of The Rings Trilogy, in that epoch when evil spreads its tentacles everywhere.   What’s on the other side of this, is anyone’s guess.   Whatever it is, it’s going to be a hell of a roller-coaster ride.     ~/~        
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