WW3 Welcome To Reality

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Children dying
A nation crying
Even the people
Of the country attacking
Are in droves fleeing
For their own freedom
Welcome folks
To the clusterfuck
That is most likely

Going to be WW3
Before it's over
With volunteers 
To fight for Ukraine
Coming from 

The world over
And knowing 
All to well
If Putin wins
For everyone else
That means nothing 
Short of hell
Welcome folks
To 2022
Apocalypse now 

The entire planet
Waiting with bated breath
For updates
While their leaders
Refuse to do 
What is needed to help
We don't want ww3
Bitch ww3
Is exactly
What we are already seeing
Welcome to the truth
Of what we are facing

Verse 2
Zelensky begging
Close the skies
Over Ukraine
But the answer
Is always the same
If we did that
We would have to
Put soldiers
Boots on the ground
That would create ww3
We can't do it
Tell that to
The children dying
And the families
Being ripped apart
As the country

They love

Who has done 
Nothing wrong
Is being reduced
To fucking ruins
Because of attacks daily
Welcome to ww3



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allets's picture

Small Non-Nukes

usa only attacks countries that cannot fight back.  Nam could have ended with air strikes only. Not the goal. Making money was. Nagging China was the goal - usa on their doorstep. There is a possibility we could stumble into WWIII. Nobody will negotiate out of it if we are all dead. Or glowing in the dark. We watch.


Lady A


ps cannot get the war news on tv. Ask any Russian.



lyrycsyntyme's picture

When pale-skinned Europeans are attacked it's suddenly WW3

Or so the news would have us believe, if we sit there and listen.


But not pale-skinned Asians, of course. We can dehumanize and starve those people. So it's not even a skin-color thing. It's a matter of playing on Eurocentricism to maintain and advance the monetary order.


Russia has fought several wars with surrounding countries since the end of the Soviet Union. None have led to an empire even close to the size of the old Soviet Empire, the British Empire, or the current American Empire. It's gonna come and pass, how ever tragic the events, if we can avoid further fanning the flames. That seems to be the biggest problem, right now.


Next to no one seemed to think it was WW3 when we started the War of Terror (not a typo), even though that actually involved invading 7 countries simultaneously at it's peak point. Perhaps because our media lied to us in the same way the Russian media lies to it's people. Now we're getting the other side of the story - and only the other side of the story - because it's convienent to the US and NATO. And no one thought it was WW3 when Saudi Arabia began a genocide in Yemen (still ongoing, like our wars in the Middle East and Northern Africa), either. A lot more weapons have been used and people have died in those invasions.


Maybe, combined, this is all one giant ongoing war we might be able to call a World War, when he look back on this, someday. As with other World War's, a global war for increased power of the super wealthy "elite". But, if we someday do dub it a World War, the starting date will be 2001, when we invaded Afghanistan, not 2022. Or, it might be in the late 90's, when we started moving NATO into territories that we promised the Russians we wouldn't (11 countries since the 90's, breaking the Cold War-ending pact).


You see, we have to look at both sides of the story. Everyone is wrong. Everyone.


Your heart, as is passionatedly displayed in this song, is in the right place. You don't want to see people suffer and die. Kudos to you, for that, for sure. But I encourage you to ask yourself why you haven't felt as inspired to write this passionatedly and frequently about Yemen, Syria, or any other country attacked by the US and it's allies in the last 20 years, such as Libya (which now has open child slave markets after we destroyed the country and left it in ashes). Read up on those places and you'll find out that the death, destruction, disease and starvation, as well as the collapse of civilization within those countries has been much, much worse as a result of our meddling.

allets's picture

We Watch


We watch Own 

no yardstick

to measure

future's goals.

The Amazon

has dry skin,

fire and sere

waves rise. A

child wails

in Somalia.


Big pictured,

we raise tariff

levels, cut off

cash flow, back

danger into an 

empty corner.


Men cry for losses

and charge, gun

held close. World

warms up silos

and run end of

homo sapiens



Lady A




lyrycsyntyme's picture

From Hall and Oates "Out of Touch"

"Shake it up is all that we know

Using the bodies up as we go
I'm waking up to fantasy
The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see
Broken ice still melts in the sun
And times that are broken can often be one again
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Take a look around"

Reaching out for something to hold
Looking for a love where the climate is cold
Manic moves and drowsy dreams
Or living in the middle between the two extremes
Smoking guns hot to the touch
Would cool down if we didn't use them so much, yeah
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Too much"

Added emphasis for what, to me, are the most important/relevant lines.