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allets commented on: Lost In Translation by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
"...rivers don't speak the: "...rivers don't speak the language of lashes" A courageous line. Bravo! ~A ~
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: The Traveler (I Cried Upon Command) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Yes, facts don't move money (and power) like lies.: Motives drive editing. You put in your effort with a desire to optimize the quality of a book. Editors at said news* entities appear mainly motivated to optimize advertising dollars and power for the MIC, PHIC and IIC.   What do you think of the book, editing accomplished?
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allets commented on: What Broken Clocks and Amnesia Hearts Get Wrong by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
"off closing-in walls": Combination of vines exits hands of clocks, I was floored. I adore poems that are dense with imagery, that hold me riveted to the page, to each note, to each letter of each word, to each space between each word. Stop Nice work. . ~ Lady A ~
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
This was a major part of the: This was a major part of the plot in Nineteen Eighty Four. The leadership had figured out that, if people were constantly inundated with new emergencies, there would be no past. It seems that it has come to pass in the real world, too.
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allets commented on: Walking With Aliens by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
You have an ear: for poetry...disciplined hearing equals better than most writing. This is true. Thank you for hearing me. ~A~
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Spinoza commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
The Big Trouble of History: The trouble is, most people don’t even remember what happened yesterday.     “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.” – Aldous Huxley “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” – Henry Kissinger
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allets commented on: ROBE OF SOLACE by palewingedpoetess 2 years 30 weeks ago
Always A Good Reading: Pale wings and poetry - great combo Lady A
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Spinoza commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Judge said no - to waiting 75 Years: And is it coincidence, that we have this new war diversion – while the Pfizer Data is being released?      
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allets commented on: WW3 Welcome To Reality by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 30 weeks ago
Small Non-Nukes: usa only attacks countries that cannot fight back.  Nam could have ended with air strikes only. Not the goal. Making money was. Nagging China was the goal - usa on their doorstep. There is a possibility we could stumble into WWIII. Nobody will negotiate out of it if we are all dead. Or glowing in the dark. We watch. . Lady A   ps cannot get the war news on tv. Ask any Russian.. 
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allets commented on: Super Power by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
Thanks!: . Blues poem. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Postage, A letter to Brooklyn by S.X.K 2 years 30 weeks ago
Well Said: The gotta go poem, but best wishes.  :D
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karlmcallister commented on: Super Power by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
Blue notes drift over: Blue notes drift over Europe where fear is carefully composed. Another great line! Really! 
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karlmcallister commented on: Walking With Aliens by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
What we need is an old: What we need is an old fashioned First Encounter. What a great line!
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allets commented on: There is no happily ever after by teresa_r 2 years 30 weeks ago
Get A New Life: Take a risk. We all do until someone trustworthy shows up. Take it slow. p~allets~
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allets commented on: MY LIFE by teresa_r 2 years 30 weeks ago
Get Over The Ex: . New live-in boyfriend?  alone no more. Think of new, not old - habit is not love, just easier. ~allets~ 
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