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patriciajj commented on: Air Looms by saiom 2 years 29 weeks ago
"Air Looms". That's: "Air Looms". That's brilliant! And you're a pro with the rhymes. A pleasure.
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patriciajj commented on: Somalia by allets 2 years 29 weeks ago
While our eyes are on: While our eyes are on Ukraine, Somalia's humanitarian crisis and its tidal wave of refugees should not be forgotten. The last three lines of your poem show a great amount of awareness and compassion. Well said! 
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patriciajj commented on: Recycled Wood by allets 2 years 29 weeks ago
I love your idea to save: I love your idea to save precious trees that provide shade, oxygen, cleaner air, climate contol, privacy, noise barriers, erosion prevention, wildlife habitat, psychological health (Studies show patients in hospital rooms that have a view of trees recovered faster) and, of course, natural beauty.    Reclaimed wood is a smart solution. 
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patriciajj commented on: The bathwater is murky sad by humanfruit 2 years 29 weeks ago
You have a gift for pinning: You have a gift for pinning down aspects of the human adventure with metaphors that erupt and stun. Feeling this! Amazing. 
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Starward commented on: Spring Equinox by randyjohnson 2 years 29 weeks ago
I have never seen the equinox: I have never seen the equinox event celebrated in just this way before----most unique.
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allets commented on: Justified by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 29 weeks ago
TP As A Metaphor: . Dig deep or discover by chance, origins with no author. Why Somalia? Warbucks. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Against the Wall of Generations by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 29 weeks ago
Delete - Revise Suggested: "Of all'" kills the cliche. clean up line lengths kast verse.' "Still she needs to scream." - more emotionally charged. "you can't protect men and women..." Delete "I think" most if oiem is objective - "I can" subjective (voice and POV change).   last line - ? delete count the suffering and servitude, the size of the stones. Most disturbing, each of them is a brick in the wall of generations." - tighter. . I never stop edting. Made changes this am to poems written in 2010.       ~A~    
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allets commented on: Life is Gay by Rashbar 2 years 29 weeks ago
You Are Interesting: Your story poem has dialogue. Cool. You're onto a fine style. Lady A  
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Starward commented on: Was This, Perhaps, Only The Beginning Of An Epidemic? [April 15th, 1912] by J-C4113D 2 years 29 weeks ago
I would have to refer you to: I would have to refer you to the text of the novel itself---well worthy acquiring a copy.
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Spinoza commented on: Welcome To Our Downfall by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 29 weeks ago
The stranglehold of the elite: Prince Andrew – the 62 year old son of the Queen, is a prime example.   He’s a natural-born cunt, that constantly twittles around with little kids and uses them as sex toys.   But he never sees a moment of jail time. He just pays twelve-million pound (16 million US Dollars) settlements out of court, and all is forgiven.   But he doesn’t even pay it out of his own pocket.   It’s paid by the UK tax payers.   Because the UK law is setup in such a way, that it pays all legal settlements for royalty.   And this goes on across the entirety of Europe…        
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Lost In Translation by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 29 weeks ago
Thank you, once more : ): Thank you, once more : )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Welcome To Our Downfall by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 29 weeks ago
You speak frustrations against the Wall of Generations: If we can ever change the world, it likely will take a collapse and starting over. Otherwise, any hope may take hundreds, if not thousands of years of incremental gains - first, somehow, stopping "the downfall" you speak of.   There's a theory of socio-genetics - social behaviors that are passed down through children/families/communities - in which civilizations have weeded out the most revolutionary, selfless people over the countless centuries, while the most selfish, controlling persons tended to hoard materials and survive (quite often as the rulers who eliminated the selfless revolutionaries). We can think of some great examples of the former - the altruists, if you will - in modern times. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't make it past 40. Medgar Evers was assassinated at 37. Perhaps Malcom X wasn't an altruist, but he still grew into a fairly selfless revolutionary and he was dead at 39.   Meanwhile, George Herbert Walker Bush, who was assistant director of the CIA during much of those years, then went on to head the CIA before becoming US President, lived to 94. At the head end of the table in the ruling class, Warren Buffet is 91 and so is George Soros. Overseas, meanwhile, the Queen of England - a fantastic example of a wealthy leech - is nearly a 100.   I could go on and on, but the point is, we only get the family rearing and cultural influence of people like King for half as long, or less, as we get from scumbags like Bush, Buffet, Soros and Queens/Kings. Compounded over 1000's of years, it's theoretically deteriorated our societies, with more and more of the remaining population being, essentially, bred to be selfish.  
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Spinoza commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Cheers: Fahrenheit 451 – how did I miss this one? I just did a bit of preliminary research, and it’s going straight to my reading list. Cheers for that. ~/~  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Farenheit 451 : ..also hit on this quite well.   Society, itself, ultimately willingly participates in it's own censorship and erasure of the past. We are seeing this, as well.
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Spinoza commented on: DAVID AND GOLIATH by joy 2 years 30 weeks ago
Spot On Mate: Spot on mate…   “Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. A large part of the political literature of five years was now completely obsolete. Reports and records of all kinds, newspapers, books, pamphlets, films, sound-tracks, photographs--all had to be rectified at lightning speed. Although no directive was ever issued, it was known that the chiefs of the Department intended that within one week no reference to the war with Eurasia, or the alliance with Eastasia, should remain in existence anywhere.”   Same sort of shit we hear, pumped down our throats in the media today.   Fear Porn, Fear Porn, Fear Porn.   Trade you liberties – for security… more fear porn, fear porn, fear porn.   Till finally, they’ve got you trapped in a cage with no escape.   A true return to feudalism – where you have no power, and no possessions.   You will own nothing and be happy – world economic forum – the great reset        
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