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georgeschaefer commented on: UNMITIGATED LIES by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 3 hours ago
this was actually written: this was actually written when Clinton was president but there really was no political intent.  It was more about a personal relationship being aired more publicly than it needed to be--especially given untruths being spread.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Sin by life_used_to_be... 23 weeks 9 hours ago
In twelve short lines, you: In twelve short lines, you present two very powerful similes that make this brief poem very, very effective.  I read lines 6-12 a couple of times before writing this comment, because the image is both so original and so striking upon the reader.
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patriciajj commented on: Unfinished Invocation by patriciajj 23 weeks 13 hours ago
Your beautiful footprints are: Your beautiful footprints are a great honor and more than enough. Thank you kindly for illuminating my page.  
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patriciajj commented on: Now and After the Reign of Galaxies by patriciajj 23 weeks 13 hours ago
I was so deeply moved by your: I was so deeply moved by your intricate and insightful reflections that I wanted to cry. The gift, wrapped in splendor, you gave me was this: my words made a difference! That means the world to me. Thank you again and again, great Poet!   
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patriciajj commented on: Aim For The Stars (And Land Two Feet Away) by lyrycsyntyme 23 weeks 13 hours ago
"Aim for the stars And: "Aim for the stars And land Two feet away, When the gravity Of reality Pulls you down."   A killer stanza in a cleverly written poem so many of us can identify with. I always enjoy your explosively honest and emotional art. 
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SSmoothie commented on: reflections effervescent by Pingus 23 weeks 1 day ago
I love the disquiet,  frantic: I love the disquiet,  frantic yet calculated rope swing from topic to topic mundane yet cavalier. Harmless yet sinister...Shit happens clearly, over making the dough. ironic placement of making a living, kneading/needing release from the curse of making bread... I'd hate to see the person if the dough didn't need kneading... but I resonate right now... being funked over at work as I feel currently really gives me the shits, I need the dough but I broke my hand already but I can still imagine a great knuckle sandwich right? What ever the case ill make it my year.
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SSmoothie commented on: Unfinished Invocation by patriciajj 23 weeks 1 day ago
I'll mark it read but I need: I'll mark it read but I need to come back and describe your brilliance when I have the meat that your bones have brought to my mind.   Awesome...
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SSmoothie commented on: Now and After the Reign of Galaxies by patriciajj 23 weeks 1 day ago
I've read this six times now,: I've read this six times now, each time awed by the flawless areangent of the age old question and resounding answer or lack of it ;) each is run through their own imaginings and schemata led by your skilful hand... how do you say well what words could reach the truest expression of awe in the many phrases and rich feast of words smithed just right i love love love "And the answer swells like  Andromeda's pride through pensive  and roiling space:    Always."    Just.... ahhhh.... I. Home your words are such metaphorical and metaphysical hugs for me. Glorious what starward said and so much more!!! Off to ponder your latest! Hugss ss 
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wisdomscry commented on: Don't Follow Your Heart by wisdomscry 23 weeks 1 day ago
   Thank you. Blessings.  :    Thank you. Blessings.  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: SYNTACTICAL GYMNASTICS by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 1 day ago
It's hard to learn a foreign: It's hard to learn a foreign language at your age, my friend. ; )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: In HIs Eyes by tattooedangel192007 23 weeks 1 day ago
There are rare people who can: There are rare people who can come along and help someone see themselves in a truer light. I hope you hold onto what's been shown to you, all your life.
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S74rw4rd commented on: THANKFUL FOR OPEN MINDS by joy 23 weeks 1 day ago
This poem should be read to: This poem should be read to one of our country's political candidates who is now trolling to secure a nomination.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Nikki Haley Not For President! by ramonathompsont 23 weeks 1 day ago
Would you mind to explicate: Would you mind to explicate your use of monarchical terms in the third line?  Just askin' . . . 
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ramonathompsont commented on: THE GIFT OF AN OPEN MIND by joy 23 weeks 1 day ago
my husband really needs to: my husband really needs to read this one. he has become so close minded lately. very troubling
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beaconzbard commented on: You Are All I Have. by beaconzbard 23 weeks 1 day ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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