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georgeschaefer commented on: FALSE ZEN RIDDLE by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
that strange eerie effect: that strange eerie effect
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georgeschaefer commented on: READING ANAIS NIN by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
just a part of life: just a part of life
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allets commented on: I Hear The Tears Of Flowers by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
He Is His Words: A courageous wordsmith. I am rereading his work, the best trubute. ~A~ 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Get on by shailaenglish 2 years 24 weeks ago
Excellent penning : ..of the conflict between who we are and who society demands.   What I think we end up missing, sometimes, is that society doesn't really know what it needs (and that's especially true among the rule-makers at the top). In each of our own ways of "weirdness", we can bring something to the table that spurs creativeness, provides unexplored angles with which to view the world, creates what can be very healthy frictions. If every person in a village takes the same path to the river to gather water, every single day, all of their lives, generation after generation, the path will be incredibly well beaten and kept. But perhaps a faster, or smoother, or more beautified path will never be discovered. Perhaps wondrous fruits and nuts, or rare flowers, never spotted, tried and adopted.   To merely fit in, therefore, becomes a mere assistance in narrow the vision, experience, potential and joy in society. It makes for faulty technological advancement, crappy music, depthless art, dull conservation, and people huddling in their own rooms, all alone. The "weird" carry the burden of being stared at and mocked, but also the gift of keeping the world from drowning in the dripping drool of the mundane.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: I Hear The Tears Of Flowers by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
Somber beauty: Such a heart-filled tribute.   Just prior having read a couple of his pieces, I found reflections on existence that dug deep. Seems to me to have been a precious voice who thought he was more obscure than he was. This is a beautiful tribute to your friend.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: There was once a man who dreamed by Daniel-59 2 years 24 weeks ago
The beauty of tragedy captured: You've captured life.   We are all obscure. Even the "greats", preserved in their statues and tombs, will be mixed with our dust as empires rise and fall, civilization crumbles and rebuilds, and Earth, our solar system or the immediate galaxy beyond sneezes and hits the "refresh button" on parts of our planet.   But I think that obscurity, in many ways, makes us - and life - more beautiful, tragedies and all. Think of the single flower in an woodland opening, perhaps where several aged trees have come down. You stumble upon the flower, hiking. No one else may have seen it, and depending how long it is in bloom, no one else may see it. It's obscure as can be. And, if anything, that sense causes the flower to mezmorize you even more. As I have felt, and understand it from words of others, we feel at one, in that moment, in no small part because we are looking at a mirror of our existence.   So it is with our lives. We walk through this world, and along the way, we may be so lucky to stumble across a few other obscure human organisms that mezmorize us, and vice versa. To each other, we are one and we are worth so much. Neither our obscurity in the grand scale nor our unique abilities to mezmorize a few people out there are a lie. They are two truths, living side by side. Keep laying bricks.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Killing is not as hard as the innocent believe by Daniel-59 2 years 24 weeks ago
Reflection very much worth sharing: At least this reader feels so.   In my mind, I've previously attempted to contemplate the nature by which a gun can give a coward the appearance of being "brave". And how the gun can give a person distance from their own conscience. With longer distance bombs and drones, it's even more so now. Drop a bomb on a target viewed as a dot on a computer screen, and do you ever really know what you've done? Do you ever really understand it? At the least, does it make it easier to lie to oneself?   And, as you sagely relay, when the next generation - fatherless - comes for you, could you ever really understand?   In hand-to-hand combat of yore, with swords and hatchets and - at most - bows, it appears to have been much better understood, that today's battle would return in the next generation. Sadly, humans being as they are, seem to have sought to deal with this by massacring whole villages, in victory. The socio-genetic evolutionary roots of genocide, in large, may have quite distinctly developed from the fear of one's people facing vengence twenty years down the road.   In the modern world, people in America wonder why North Korea's propaganda machine so easily convinces the population to hate us. They never stop and think about the fact that we assisted greatly in killing 25% of the entire population of North Korea during the Korean War. Just as when British oppression led to the starvation of roughly a matching 25% of the Irish population, the empire's population - distant from the massacres - behaves cluelessly and offended when retribution comes. Suddenly, the North Koreans or the IRA are the (only) bad guys in the situation. With clueless arrogance, heavily armed, we all march on.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Temperatures Rising by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
Temp's Rising - Hey, it's springtime, why not?: The funny thing about today, and tomorrow - it always seems to be wetter or drier than yesterday : )   Interesting that sars-covi-2 likes temps below 'average' for humans. Conditions such as poor circulation - often a product of lack of exercise (see: lockdowns, hiding inside) - and higher body weight/certain eating habits (see: stress eating) tend to produce lower body temp. Interestingly enough, there's emerging evidence that greater exposure to sunlight (short of overexposure/burning) also helps regulate body temperature (see lockdowns and staying inside, again, as well as face covering outdoors).   War? Well, we all know the healthy solution there: don't escalate it.   Human's have always played an unhealthy game of ebb and flow, temp's rising and falling. But what happens when algorithms take control of the tide?    
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allets commented on: Flight by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 24 weeks ago
"Gonna feel like home": . The line went right through. We end up home. Round trip, there and again perpetually back. Time driven dandelions - nice image. "Scattered". After a while "it's gonna look familiar". . I like the hint of time as passenger and vehicle. Top to toes mighty fine creationing. . ~A~.   
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allets commented on: BLINDING MOMENT by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
Cute - Mole Man: Very neato write. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: The Visitor by HCE 2 years 24 weeks ago
Hauntng: Like "All clocks turn to ghosts" Fab image. I am not a ghost, not yet! I screen all metaphorical visitors. Death moved in around 2020, she grins a lot. ~(:D)- . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: If Your going to fight by Daniel-59 2 years 24 weeks ago
Good One!: Perpetually topical. ~A~
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allets commented on: There was once a man who dreamed by Daniel-59 2 years 24 weeks ago
Biographical Musing: Truth told, none of us are who we once were, and delusioned, are way more than we are! Our egos won't permitt us to think otherwise. . ~A~  .
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Starward commented on: I Hear The Tears Of Flowers by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
Excellent.: Excellent.
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Starward commented on: + 27.225 MHz: A Prayer For Vincent by J-C4113D 2 years 24 weeks ago
Thank you very much, both for: Thank you very much, both for the comment and the added prayers.
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