Get on

Get on

Many things are heard all around,
Often senses odd one too.
Thus, silence stands as a reward.
Or else, they need a good serve.

Conventional wisdom taught
Leave everything,
People very often talk behind you,
Due course of time
The odd one filled the vacuum.

Once again worried about
leaving  the room to its fate,
The image all around is paradoxically mine.
Voices are muffled but the image is tainted.

How to retain my real image
Being social is a societal need.
Oh! What best can serve the odd one.

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lyrycsyntyme's picture

Excellent penning

..of the conflict between who we are and who society demands.


What I think we end up missing, sometimes, is that society doesn't really know what it needs (and that's especially true among the rule-makers at the top). In each of our own ways of "weirdness", we can bring something to the table that spurs creativeness, provides unexplored angles with which to view the world, creates what can be very healthy frictions. If every person in a village takes the same path to the river to gather water, every single day, all of their lives, generation after generation, the path will be incredibly well beaten and kept. But perhaps a faster, or smoother, or more beautified path will never be discovered. Perhaps wondrous fruits and nuts, or rare flowers, never spotted, tried and adopted.


To merely fit in, therefore, becomes a mere assistance in narrow the vision, experience, potential and joy in society. It makes for faulty technological advancement, crappy music, depthless art, dull conservation, and people huddling in their own rooms, all alone. The "weird" carry the burden of being stared at and mocked, but also the gift of keeping the world from drowning in the dripping drool of the mundane.