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SSmoothie commented on: The face of god by gaurav2000 1 year 43 weeks ago
Beautifully laid out imagery: Beautifully laid out imagery to convince the reader i enjoyed the journey along with you. Many blessingss ss 
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SSmoothie commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Prayer To God, And To All Of PostPoems, For Forgiveness by J-C4113D 1 year 43 weeks ago
So beautifully and humbly: So beautifully and humbly said you should reek of pride after this one. Brilliant! I could relate 9n some levels easily, others I still need to work on :) too easily mastered, great line. It feels very sincere yet a little pomp which gives this prayer poem an edgy vibe sorry not sorry vibe, its just got me all up in knits and knits  trying to decide the skill level and intention behind the intention and the subconscious expressio and intention  Beneath all that! Great write sir! Forgivness and  Blessings Ss 
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Starward commented on: The face of god by gaurav2000 1 year 43 weeks ago
I really like this poem. : I really like this poem.  Jesus, Himself, said that doing, or not doing, to the least of His brethren was the same as doing, or not doing, to Him.  Therefore, your poem seems theologically sound upon that verse from Saint Matthew.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Cosmological Theology by J-C4113D 1 year 43 weeks ago
Thank you.  I had replied to: Thank you.  I had replied to your comment earlier, but due to the turmoil going on in my home at that time, I was not able to concentrate on the words I wanted to say.  I really appreciate your validation of this poem.  It came to me spontaneously, with very little adjustment on my part.  I think it must have arisen out of reading Milton and looking at some of the photographs transmitted by the Webb telescope.  Thanks again for commenting.
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Starward commented on: Shadow by EventHorizon 1 year 43 weeks ago
That second stanza certainly: That second stanza certainly speaks to my experience.
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patriciajj commented on: The Death of a Mage by rachel 1 year 43 weeks ago
I don't think I breathed: I don't think I breathed through this furiously spellbinding drama. It gripped, it heaved, it crashed, it triumphed, it devastated, and all with an awe-inspiring mastery of language.   I didn't just envision "A black mountain of water" that "rose at the horizon" but I felt its pummeling assault, smelled the salty breath of its monstrous side, experienced the cyclone of terror until, for a while, the mage seemed victorious.   The build-up to the showdown with the stunningly personified sea, the enemy, was one dizzying literary feat, but the bold ending was pure gold.   Bravo and Bravo!  
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patriciajj commented on: Boston 12.6.22 by PiscesPieces 1 year 43 weeks ago
If I could speak to my: If I could speak to my younger self I would tell her to choose the one who looks within and loves more than the surface. That's why these lines resonated with me so well and spoke volumes with shattering eloquence:   "I craved to know you from the inside To cradle your heart as it beat fiercely Bathe in the baritone of your voice"   An electrifying inner union expressed through physical passion. Powerful stuff!  
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patriciajj commented on: All together now! by humanfruit 1 year 43 weeks ago
I agree, writing, once it: I agree, writing, once it takes on a life of its own, is weird, but you're so good at it! I could tell you were really in the flow here and everything just . . . clicked. The subject matter and style was organic, urbane, smooth and engaging. You definitely have a gift for prose. Stay inspired!  
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Cosmological Theology by J-C4113D 1 year 43 weeks ago
If a poet's calling is to: If a poet's calling is to give a voice to the ungraspable, you excelled in your purpose. Waves of majesty, wonder and heartfelt praise thunder through each line.    Magnificent! 
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Morningglory commented on: The Luxury by Morningglory 1 year 43 weeks ago
.: and I prepare to enter luxury again so I'm attempting to make my home a little cleaner in the meantime so I'm not too culture shocked when I come back from the lands of hot running water and uninterrupted power
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Not My Failure by satishverma 1 year 43 weeks ago
Your work, as always, is a: Your work, as always, is a drill into the hollows of the soul. Where echoes are begged to speak within, till they pound down the walls of separation and isolation which encase emptiness.  I truly hope that these efforts lead you to solace.
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Starward commented on: Hey, Won't Someone Explain The Attitude by J-C4113D 1 year 43 weeks ago
You are right:  that is: You are right:  that is ironic for public posting.
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Starward commented on: Violent Night by ramonathompsont 1 year 43 weeks ago
Thank you for the reply.  I: Thank you for the reply.  I concede that I may have misunderstood your intention.  Perhaps my original comment should be removed.
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ramonathompsont commented on: Violent Night by ramonathompsont 1 year 43 weeks ago
I was in no way trying to be: I was in no way trying to be disrespectful. thanks for your feedback
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Starward commented on: Violent Night by ramonathompsont 1 year 43 weeks ago
I applaud, and agree with,: I applaud, and agree with, your assertion that this dire problem needs to be addressed---loudly and relentlessly---because it happens too much and too often (well, even one incident is one too much).  But, although I agree with you on the dire seriousness of it, I think the attempt to "rewrite" one of the holiest hymns of one of the year's two Holiest seasons, is a disrespectful toward the hymn and the season.  Just my opinion, and I do applaud bringing this horrible social problem to the fore of your readers attention; that is most commendable.
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