The face of god

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I say that I can reach out and touch the face of god

you laugh derisively and say t’is an impossible task

while mockingly inquiring if I can truly see the divine

and I am surprised that you even have to ask


Come journey with me through the unseen world

Unseen not by design but by choice

come hear the stories of the invisible

but first you must allow them their voice


See the tiny faces outside the window

of your shiny and expensive car?

a boy of seven, and a girl of ten

trying to meet an impossible bar


Orphaned at an early age

trying to survive this cruel world

tapping at your window begging for help

or begging perhaps to just be heard?


See the old man with the bag of toys

resting his feet that are tired and sore

from peddling his wares from dawn to dusk

toys no one wants to buy anymore


Abandoned by the children he so lovingly raised

in what were to be his golden years

too proud to beg, so instead he toils

watching the world through a haze of tears


See that woman who sits in silence

with sadness and pain etched on her face

forced to forever live in the past

for her future has vanished without a trace


With anguish unimaginable to most of us

she watched her two sons slowly die

lost they were to horrid sickness

and money for treatment was hard to come by


Your view of the world is quite different

having never known hunger or fear

but did you know you could save a life

for less than the cost of clothes you wear?


You have trained your ears to ignore these voices

just as your eyes are trained so they do not see

your cocoon of comforts, your perfect world

is a fiction of the bourgeoisie


You think that you are blessed by the divine

and wealth is the true measure of your worth

and the din of countless, unfortunate voices

Is fit only for your disdain and mirth


I see the divine, not in thought but action

for if I see a hungry mouth, I feed it

I chose to no longer be deaf or blind

giving help freely to those who need it


I can reach out and touch the face of god

it is not because I see him

it is because I know he is all around us

among us, and within

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SSmoothie's picture

Beautifully laid out imagery

Beautifully laid out imagery to convince the reader i enjoyed the journey along with you. Many blessingss ss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

J-C4113d's picture

I really like this poem. 

I really like this poem.  Jesus, Himself, said that doing, or not doing, to the least of His brethren was the same as doing, or not doing, to Him.  Therefore, your poem seems theologically sound upon that verse from Saint Matthew.

J-Called [fka Starward]