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patriciajj commented on: Uneven breaths by SSmoothie 1 year 33 weeks ago
This majestic heartsong: This majestic heartsong blooms as it grows brighter and brighter; each line is a bud, opening a new surprise until it pulls out the final gift.   "And I danced like a flame When I resonated through you"   A precious, quotable micropoem within the poem.   And that twist at the end: priceless! That last line, sparkling with bold, lighthearted wit, expresses lasting devotion as well.    You shine!
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patriciajj commented on: Restless by Wordman 1 year 33 weeks ago
"the howling wind bullies: "the howling wind bullies this night to tears"   Fiercely imaginative! Your entire depiction seizes the experience of being at war with a brutal, endless night. The storm, as both physical atmosphere and a metaphor for the inner struggle, is almost audible. A memorable work of art.   
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Starward commented on: One Spark is a Galaxy by patriciajj 1 year 33 weeks ago
Thank you for the reply, and,: Thank you for the reply, and, let me say again---gladly---thank you for the poem; but, moreso, thank you for your Poetry which is so essential to this site.  
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Rebecca commented on: The voice beyond midnight. by Bec.J 1 year 33 weeks ago
Thank you, I really: Thank you, I really appreciate you taking time to read my poem. Unfortunately, despair is an all too familiar feeling. Sometimes overwhelming, I try to focus on building a better version of myself every day :)
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patriciajj commented on: One Spark is a Galaxy by patriciajj 1 year 33 weeks ago
Having no words is the: Having no words is the sincerest compliment, and I accept it with the deepest gratitude.   I feel that you deserve recognition for your valuable contribution to others, some you are probably not even aware of. Perhaps on a higher plane of existence, you'll fully appreciate the positive impact you've had on "strangers", whether it was your creative ability that gave them a moment's respite from their troubles, an insightful and uplifting comment that reassured them of their value, spiritual inspiration that reminded them of what their soul is up to in this world or acceptance of whatever life path they needed to follow.   My only concern about this poem was that, as you pointed out, mortal words would cast a pale shadow of ultimate truth.   Peace and brightest blessings.
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patriciajj commented on: The voice beyond midnight. by Bec.J 1 year 33 weeks ago
The declaration "I no longer: The declaration "I no longer want to feed the darkness" is a powerfully stated and highly self-aware breakaway that shows great strength of character. Most of us, at least at times, find it easy to get caught in a loop of destructive self talk, but your advice is the first, unavoidable step toward recovery.   A life-altering progression from despair to hope. Wonderful, valuable work.      
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patriciajj commented on: cure alls by arqios 1 year 33 weeks ago
A shrewd and achingly: A shrewd and achingly accurate commentary on too many peoples' sorry excuse for a life.   As always, you hit the mark with stunning acrobatics of language and your own signature wit. The concept of vapid entertainment being a panacea and our distractions being a type of fast food that takes the place of inner nourishment is inspired. You invite the reader to step out of the brain-numbing, easy anesthesia of modern "cure all"s and imagine, create . . . live!    Brilliant work.   
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Starward commented on: One Spark is a Galaxy by patriciajj 1 year 33 weeks ago
The inadequacy of my words in: The inadequacy of my words in the presence of this poem is embarrassing to me.  And though you always understand what I mean to say, even if I am not always successful in saying it, I fear that others who are less understanding or tolerant will take my remarks as either self-serving or overly obsequious.   My Ad Astra series began, and continues to exist, because of your encouragement, your humane compassion, and the example you set (as both a Human Being and a Poet) on Postpoems.  You are not only one of the supreme pillars of this community, you are also a Tower of spiritual illumination to which the Alexandrian lighthouse would be only a trite metaphor.  I can still remember the thrill I experienced, three years ago, when I first read Gates Of Orion, just three days before I was discharged from the hospital; and then, after that, Council Of Stars.  And I realized that everything I had learned about reading Poetry (learned, of course, by a study of Poets deceased well before I approached their words) was demonstrated and exemplified by you, the supremest of Living Poets.       And, in choosing to post this poem at this time, you have brought me the answer to an unspoken prayer, at precisely the time I needed that answer.  For that, I thank the Lord and I thank you.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Never Reported by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 33 weeks ago
Yes. One particularly: Yes. One particularly important reason that the arts must be able to fully breathe and speak.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: SOCIAL DISTANCING by georgeschaefer 1 year 33 weeks ago
Though it may be to your: Though it may be to your disappointment, I do hope that far more people than not have their mental and emotional guns aimed at that ash pile and on the ready, because I do anticipate a pheonix attempting to arise at some point.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: cure alls by arqios 1 year 33 weeks ago
You're welcome - thoroughly: You're welcome - thoroughly enjoyed poem, and exchange of thoughts thereafter.    Per both your poem and your remarks on validation, being in the field of horticulture, it comes to my mind that we are in a transformation from being cacti to celery: from only needing the occasional watering of external validation to a constant thirst.
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crypticbard commented on: Never Reported by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 33 weeks ago
Mainstream unreporting: Mainstream unreporting usually finds "air time" in poetry and the other arts. And that is rightly so in a way of thinking.
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crypticbard commented on: cure alls by arqios 1 year 33 weeks ago
Oh that is an intoxicating: Oh that is an intoxicating thought process John! Where anything and everything must be publicly celebrated in the western society's we do lose that sense of self validation and equilibrium, it all has to come from outside of us. Your review and response is truly appreciated and always welcome. /Rik.
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patriciajj commented on: Departure by RainerBukowski 1 year 33 weeks ago
So many monumental lines: So many monumental lines thunder in this sublime journey. The emotion is palpable, and the vehicle for that emotion is a clean, natural, startling work of art. I'm loving how you animated leaves and reminded us of unseen wonders in the "crowded soil" and showed us your sorrow when "the face of the sky" turned "grey" upon touching the ground.    An astonishing expression. 
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patriciajj commented on: Thirty Miles Out to Sea by RainerBukowski 1 year 33 weeks ago
I'm completely spellbound by: I'm completely spellbound by this intricate yet enormous stream of thought. Your brilliant use of white space, luminous voice and thought-provoking introspection on existence itself makes this extraordinary. The poem is spacious as it tunnels deep. I'm so glad I found you! I'll certainly be back. 
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