The voice beyond midnight.




An eternal black hole, so big, it's bigger than me.

It occupies more space than it should.

It is scary

It is powerful

It's like gravity pulling me towards it.

I can't sever the ties.

What will it make me think?

What will it make me do?

The soft whisper of venom in my ear,

'You are a bad person'

'You shouldn't be alive'

'You don't deserve the space you occupy'

'People are making fun of you.'

'You will never be loved.'

Part of me believes its lies.

Lost in the darkness, my only wish is 

To be hugged

To be told it's not true 

Tell me it's going to be ok even if I don't feel like it right now.

I no longer want to feed the darkness.

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patriciajj's picture

The declaration "I no longer

The declaration "I no longer want to feed the darkness" is a powerfully stated and highly self-aware breakaway that shows great strength of character. Most of us, at least at times, find it easy to get caught in a loop of destructive self talk, but your advice is the first, unavoidable step toward recovery.


A life-altering progression from despair to hope. Wonderful, valuable work.



Bec.J's picture

Thank you, I really

Thank you, I really appreciate you taking time to read my poem. Unfortunately, despair is an all too familiar feeling. Sometimes overwhelming, I try to focus on building a better version of myself every day :)

For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination,