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patriciajj commented on: not a Haiku by catherine 1 year 16 weeks ago
Call it whatever you want,: Call it whatever you want, it's true art. Love it!   
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patriciajj commented on: Some Few Words For A Malingering Tourist by J-C4113d 1 year 16 weeks ago
Completely mesmerized.   I: Completely mesmerized.   I love poems that deliver entertainment and also make me dig deep with sensational imagery. This fantastical, witty and alluring voyage served it up beautifully as it transplanted me to a whimsical dystopia. What is better than that when you need a smile and a recharge?    There's so much to love here! Thanks for the much-needed amazement. 
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Starward commented on: Some Words With A Hope For The Future by J-C4113d 1 year 16 weeks ago
Thank you for the comment and: Thank you for the comment and the marvelous compliment.  The poem came to me so quickly I wasn't quite sure of what it was trying to say, and I still think of the speaker as being more a robot than a living being.  But I am very pleased and grateful for your interpretation.  
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patriciajj commented on: Some Words With A Hope For The Future by J-C4113d 1 year 16 weeks ago
A splendidly worded and: A splendidly worded and extremely comforting reminder of the transient nature of everything physical. Sometimes this ageless truth is too easily forgotten while we're in the trenches, as Vergil knew in times past when he wrote his immortal guidance. In your meditative and sobering (or jubilant, depending on one's perspective) message, your insights and eloquence rival his. Wonderful.
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crypticbard commented on: always by arqios 1 year 16 weeks ago
Thanks Patricia. As has been: Thanks Patricia. As has been written and sung beforehand, sometimes 'words are all we have to take hearts away.' And poetry does mesmerise!
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Starward commented on: Nocturnes: Are We There Yet? by J-C4113d 1 year 16 weeks ago
Once again I failed to: Once again I failed to acknowledge these words in a timely manner and for that I apologize most sincerely and abjectly.  And I also am very thankful for those words.  I am sorry that I am having such a bad month,
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Starward commented on: DON’T HOLD GRUDGES by georgeschaefer 1 year 16 weeks ago
I have been reading Poetry: I have been reading Poetry for fifty years as of this past April.  Rarely have I encountered so much wisdom compressed into such a small space, and all the more powerful for its brevity.  One would think humanity would learn to stop holding grudges, or would have evolved beyond such pettiness.  But one of the most ancient functions of Poetry is to remind us of the best of ourselves, and how far we allow our daily lives to drift from the best of those patterns.  In posting this poem, you have done much to help others; and, despite my own stubbornness with a grudge, you have actually also helped even an old fool like me.
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Starward commented on: No Mercy Today by satishverma 1 year 16 weeks ago
Your metaphors and similes: Your metaphors and similes are always so well phrased.
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j-ninetyfour commented on: empty bookends by arqios 1 year 16 weeks ago
What a haunting metaphor of,: What a haunting metaphor of, or for, despair you have created here.  I particularly like the word play in the first line, and between the fifth and seventh lines.  Your customary verbal skill is well displayed in the poem.
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j-ninetyfour commented on: Lords of the Bread Pt 1 by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 16 weeks ago
As a reader, I would most: As a reader, I would most certainly hope that an expansion of it might be in the works!
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j-ninetyfour commented on: Routine by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 16 weeks ago
Although I, too, am mostly: Although I, too, am mostly confined to a single room in my house due to my medical difficulty, the intense and even poignant detail of your poem made me realize that my situation is not nearly as bad as sometimes, when I am in a rotten mood, I like to think of it.  Thanks for the lesson in reality!  This is one of Poetry's most ancient functions, to point out the truth that some of us obscure to ourselves through the mental and emotional subterfuges.
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j-ninetyfour commented on: WHY WE STILL DON'T CARE by joy 1 year 16 weeks ago
This poem contains tremendous: This poem contains tremendous wisdom.  I now have seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren (those two make me feel old), and I couldn't care less about gender, or identity, or any other details like that.  They are gifts from God, and how God has made them is how God has made them.  
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j-ninetyfour commented on: Immaculate by satishverma 1 year 16 weeks ago
I have come to admire these: I have come to admire these poems so much that I actually look forward to their postings.
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Starward commented on: 9:47 AM by georgeschaefer 1 year 16 weeks ago
One of my three most favorite: One of my three most favorite Poets, Wallace Stevens, once wrote that one of the purposes of Poetry was to help people live through their lives.  In this poem, you demonstrate how to do that in a way that, in my opinion, old Stevens himself would heartily applaud and cheer.
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Starward commented on: 9:47 AM by georgeschaefer 1 year 16 weeks ago
Sir, you are a true Poet, and: Sir, you are a true Poet, and I applaud you:  from a catalogue of ordinary experiences on an ordinary 21st century day (perhaps overcast or dismal, or that is how I imagine it, as I read through this), you have constructed a poem of shrewd observation and poignant wisdom.  This poem reminds me of Phil Larkin's best stuff; although, through your poem's final two lines, you achieve the escape from bitterness and disdain that Larkin never fully achieved or managed.  Bravo!!!
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