Some Words With A Hope For The Future

"'Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.'"

---Vergil, Aeneid, I

Try to remember the way of it, three or four decades from now.

These faces may, by then, be able to manage a smile or a scowl.

In the sky, the mocking moon will (by then shattered) no longer abide:

we will not then need the regularity of a functional tide.


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patriciajj's picture

A splendidly worded and

A splendidly worded and extremely comforting reminder of the transient nature of everything physical. Sometimes this ageless truth is too easily forgotten while we're in the trenches, as Vergil knew in times past when he wrote his immortal guidance. In your meditative and sobering (or jubilant, depending on one's perspective) message, your insights and eloquence rival his. Wonderful.

J-9thxciv's picture

Thank you for the comment and

Thank you for the comment and the marvelous compliment.  The poem came to me so quickly I wasn't quite sure of what it was trying to say, and I still think of the speaker as being more a robot than a living being.  But I am very pleased and grateful for your interpretation.  

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]