I’m revisiting an old poem…call it a form of poetic cheating…

but I believe this old poem has a message worth repeating:


When each of our three children and four grandchildren were born…

we celebrated the day...


Back then, we didn’t care about their gender…

if they were bi

or straight

or gay.


We only cared they were alive...had all their body parts...

that they were breathing on their own...and came with healthy hearts.


As they’ve grown we continue to celebrate them a little every day..

and we care about them but we do not care…

if they are bi

or straight

or gay.


We only care that they are close to us...that in their lives...we play a part

that they all have gentle souls...and kindness in their hearts


Our reason is quite simple...and to this we both avow

If we didn’t care when they were born...

Why...would we care now?

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This poem contains tremendous

This poem contains tremendous wisdom.  I now have seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren (those two make me feel old), and I couldn't care less about gender, or identity, or any other details like that.  They are gifts from God, and how God has made them is how God has made them.  

Starwardized [fka Starward]