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Spinoza commented on: Destructive by metaphorist 20 weeks 4 days ago
for the sake of a healthy tree:   Whenever we get the inclination to burn or destroy, it’s really our soul-wisdom whispering to us, to lop off the dead branches of our life. To burn them – and forget them. Because they have lost their functionality and no longer serve us. And the weight of that dead wood is a burden – to our tree of life.   So, we must lop them off and burn them, allowing the ashes to settle into the soil around our roots, where we can absorb the lessons that nurture us, to regrow new healthy branches.   It’s a painful endeavour – because those branches are attached to us. And burning off the dead wood is always a painful operation. But it must be done – for the sake of a healthy tree, that will serve us in the future.
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Spinoza commented on: Ego – is always the enemy by Spinoza 20 weeks 4 days ago
You have nurtured a great many people:   Of all the people on this site, you and Patricia are perhaps our two greatest luminaries. Not only do you contribute fine creative works when you put the needle to the record, but you contribute a great deal of spirit and encouragement, to a great many people. A lot of people are kept alive in their pursuit of poetry, by that encouragement – myself included. And I have observed over the years that you have nurtured a great many people. More than I could ever count. You have a very generous soul and that’s precisely what this place needs more of. If everyone gave and nurtured to the extent that you do, this place would once again become a shining edifice – and undoubtedly, we would have an explosion of new creativity. Because sometimes, especially the new people who are just touching their toes into the waters of poetry for the first time, all they need is a little encouragement to stick it through, and keep going. You do a lot of that, and we are all thankful.
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J-C4113d commented on: Ego – is always the enemy by Spinoza 20 weeks 4 days ago
I applaud your profound: I applaud your profound spiritual wisdom---as demonstrated in this poem and others you have posted here.  This site and the members of this site are indeed fortunate to have access to the excellence of your poetry, and the privilege of your spiritual insight.
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Spinoza commented on: Cassiopeia A by Spinoza 20 weeks 4 days ago
You are yourself a super-star:   You are yourself a super-star. This site needs more people of your spirit around. We could all work off each others synergy, and build our temples into the heavens.
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GabulousGabby commented on: Cassiopeia A by Spinoza 20 weeks 4 days ago
Thanks ☺️ : Thanks ☺️ 
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patriciajj commented on: Desolate and Perfect Now by patriciajj 20 weeks 4 days ago
Thank you again and again for: Thank you again and again for that breathtaking encapsulation of my expression. Always honored by your presence, gifted Poet.   
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patriciajj commented on: Cassiopeia A by Spinoza 20 weeks 4 days ago
This striking personification: This striking personification of an astronomical event has an ecstatic vastness, an escalating grandeur, that is not simply read, but experienced. Few poets could tackle such an ambitious theme, but you pulled it off with startling prowess.   "she threw her stardust   across the Milky Way   and said goodbye in a vault of light"  Off-the-charts beauty here!   Your use of white space and ravishing metaphors amid the mind-blowing facts creates the ultimate poetic voyage. Still reeling and loving it!   Supersized brilliance.    
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Galilean Farewell by S74RW4RD 20 weeks 4 days ago
And thank YOU for being the: And thank YOU for being the embodiment of graciousness and talent. Be forever blessed.  
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Spinoza commented on: Cassiopeia A by Spinoza 20 weeks 5 days ago
Enjoy and keep posting:   Looking forward to seeing you around more. Enjoy the reading around here and keep posting.
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Wild_heart commented on: Blank by Wild_heart 20 weeks 5 days ago
thank you!: thank you!
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Codé commented on: Blank by Wild_heart 20 weeks 5 days ago
definitely connecting with: definitely connecting with this one, especially that first stanza... dimly elegant  in its brevity and simplistic approach on stagnation, a sense of dread, or even feeling trapped you might add.
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Spinoza commented on: Desolate and Perfect Now by patriciajj 20 weeks 5 days ago
everlasting – and full of possibility:   Me, I see an ominous night with dark tendrils reaching down from the sky, while hope floats away from the observer like gossamer on a wild torrent of wind – as an all-encompassing powerful storm moves in. It is coming to sweep everything away. The cast-iron despair – is the end of all things. While the counterfeit joy is a sober peace – in letting go of the entire mirage of hope… embracing the soundless opera of an icy symphonic tomb – only to be absorbed as a tiny spectacle of dust by God and the Cosmos – which is in fact, everlasting – and full of possibility.    
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J-C4113d commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Galilean Farewell by S74RW4RD 20 weeks 5 days ago
Thank you very much for that: Thank you very much for that comment.  John's Gospel was much in my mind when I was contemplating, than writing, the poem.  And I am grateful for your compliment as well.  Although the body is failing, and causing pain as it fails, the poems help me to remain joyous, and to feel like I am still living, rather than just merely existing.  Thanks again for your kind comment.
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Spinoza commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Galilean Farewell by S74RW4RD 20 weeks 5 days ago
Reminds me a great deal of John 14:2-3:   You’re at the peak of ripeness here my friend. Patricia said it well. A story of a man with a foot in two worlds – waiting to transcend … with the lapping waves keeping pace with an old man’s breathing (images of a Galilee shore come to mind here), in a place where neither fear nor nightmare disturbs the peace and acceptance of the moment, knowing it is but a simple journey into the Lord’s embrace, much in alignment with the way that Jesus must have felt, on that final evening supper with his disciples.   Reminds me a great deal of John 14:2-3   “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
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J-C4113d commented on: Not a Poem but Poetic by Spinoza 20 weeks 5 days ago
I applaud the brilliance of: I applaud the brilliance of your theology.
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