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Teytonon commented on: I Slept With Despair by Diamond_Wills_N... 19 weeks 7 hours ago
I slept with despair too..: I slept with despair too.  Many years ago, I slept with despair of girls I picked up in a bar. Two sisters. Wow! It was incredible! I'll never forget it! Oh, I liked your poem, by the way.
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ramonathompsont commented on: THANKFUL FOR VINCE LOMBARDY by joy 19 weeks 1 day ago
Long live the legend!: Long live the legend!
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S74rw4rd commented on: Moon will do Nothing by satishverma 19 weeks 1 day ago
Gosh I really enjoy these: Gosh I really enjoy these poems and this style of yours!
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Teytonon commented on: Misery Controlled by LittleLennonGurl 19 weeks 1 day ago
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LittleLennonGurl commented on: Misery Controlled by LittleLennonGurl 19 weeks 1 day ago
=D: Thank you!!!!!
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Teytonon commented on: A Good Swift Kick! by cathycavalcante 19 weeks 1 day ago
I can think of someone…: I can think of someone who needs a swift kick She makes some people sick She has a boyfriend who's a chief From her we can't get no relief You can try to e-mail her Or you can impale her If your pants don't fit And you need to let the waist out No, not let the waste out You're thinking of pooping What? So what? No, not so what Sew what? What? Who sews what? A whaler? A sailor? A blackmailer? Forget it...
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Teytonon commented on: Who Are We To Judge Love by LittleLennonGurl 19 weeks 2 days ago
Who are we to Judge Love?..: Who are we to Judge Love? Take a look and see I'm nothing to him and He's nothing to me I'm not sure about you Is he someone you knew?
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beaconzbard commented on: THE CHOICE by beaconzbard 19 weeks 2 days ago
I read it on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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osiriss- commented on: Tarot card by osiriss- 19 weeks 2 days ago
Reply: Yes dear, I am glitter on sheer fabric.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Tarot card by osiriss- 19 weeks 3 days ago
Are the last three words a: Are the last three words a quotation from Simon & Garfunkle's song about Mrs. Robinson?
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S74rw4rd commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Poem On Prayer by S74RW4RD 19 weeks 3 days ago
For quite some time I have: For quite some time I have loved your theological insights; and this one is one of your best.  To receive comments like this from you is, indeed, a very high privilege and a superlative gift for which I am humbly grateful.
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beaconzbard commented on: UNDER THE STARS by beaconzbard 19 weeks 3 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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Teytonon commented on: Misery Controlled by LittleLennonGurl 19 weeks 3 days ago
Beautiful, just beautiful..: Beautiful, just beautiful. Expresses my feelings precisely. Hopefully we'll have time to discuss it further when we're both in the re-education camp. See you there!  
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frostbite commented on: Victory Day by SSmoothie 19 weeks 4 days ago
What amazing insight into: What amazing insight into your world. Trixie must be a very addictive person, one that you can never ever ever get enough of. How lucky is the person to have Trixie!
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S74rw4rd commented on: Alpine Melt Water by Spinoza 19 weeks 4 days ago
This is an epic poem, an: This is an epic poem, an accumulation of verbally skilled phrases---some delightfully beautiful, some achingly beautiful, but all beautiful, and all giving full evidence of your superlative artistry as a Poet.  I cannot imagine how much time, or how much preparation, went into the composition of this great achievement; but I can see the great effects on the very screen in front of me.  The poem's purpose is disclosed in the final three lines, and these lines draw all the others together in a perfected orbit.  I was once told or read---so long ago I cannot now cite the source---that the purpose of Poetry is to show how efficiently, effectively and intensely the language can work, and be worked:  and this poem demonstrates that to the Nth degree.
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