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SSmoothie commented on: He would’ve preferred a woman by Teytonon 23 weeks 3 days ago
Sadder still, he was the best: Sadder still, he was the best one then and all signs say will again.. 
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SSmoothie commented on: Filled with awe by Teytonon 23 weeks 3 days ago
Glad you enjoyed it. I: Glad you enjoyed it. I watched it online. It was amazing, apparently earthquakes are due in 3 months... 
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SSmoothie commented on: A Blustery Day in the Bedroom by Spinoza 23 weeks 3 days ago
How good! I totally ignored: How good! I totally ignored my phone ringing to read this and well I love the ending as much as the faux par. Nicely written held the intimacy and realism well, I felt myself think I've been there before, not the same issue but the same rhythmic dance of words snaking through to get to the truth only to find its actually an eel. Just Good work. Great even! Hugss 
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SSmoothie commented on: The Moment by Wordman 23 weeks 3 days ago
Just gorgeous! Expertly: Just gorgeous! Expertly done  I have so many day_night lovers poems i can day hand on my heart this is simply gorgeous and affecting from start to finish.  Wonderfully wrought an ageless theme in a flawless frame. Hugss 
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SSmoothie commented on: Soft and Final Landing by patriciajj 23 weeks 3 days ago
Yes what if all is well? It: Yes what if all is well? It is always well, What a boring way  If heaven is nothing but peace all day No touch  Taste,  Smell, Only foresight  No free will,  How boring if all was well  How great that such a journey begins  Where the dark is the backdrop of light  Constrasting and playing  With blind luck  Seeing strengths we never knew we had  Things we never dreamed  Because we always knew What a gift a is the veil  What a thrill is exposition  Something different to what you knew  The joy of surprise  A truly valuable thing  In the eye of the beholder  Who could not with out life Have beholden.    Such an amazing concept and look at trials and renewal tge art of tempering...    How well you write,  Alwaye a pleasure in every case.   Hugss 
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SSmoothie commented on: Moonset at Winter's End by patriciajj 23 weeks 3 days ago
Its been too long  So much: Its been too long  So much going on Sorry dear,  Now let's enjoy your take  Life and fear    So many great lines and ideas    Duality and insight    I loved this: "searches the  nonnegotiable  emptiness—"    Just wow.    The wolf has nothing on you but it leads the way to the hunting grounds...   For clues to you   Who you are  Begins and ends  Where the old you ends, and new you begins...    A challenging and inspiring journey...    Hugss 
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SSmoothie commented on: Unfinished Work by osiriss- 23 weeks 3 days ago
I love the ending drawing in: I love the ending drawing in the reader by addressing them directly leaving them wonder and emphasise the unfinished work. Alot of gobledy goop with some real gems planted inside - insights. Powerful ones. Enjoyed the experience of this poem. I hate AI.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Soft and Final Landing by patriciajj 23 weeks 3 days ago
There are always going to: There are always going to readers who either scorn, misunderstand, or condemn your poems.  And keep in mind that even Jesus was accused of being in league with the devil during His ministry.  I guess that slaphappy stupidity comes with the territory. And that territory, please remember, is to help explain the Cosmos to itself.  No single Poet can do the complete job; all of us who are called to that vocation have to do the part assigned to us.  Remember how Adam, in Eden, was called to name the animals.  That task being finished, we are called, as his sons and daughters, to name and explicate the Cosmos and its many parts:  and it is everything from two lovers holding hands to two stars arising from the sa,e nebula and orbiting each other.  That can be explicated scientifically, but it also quietly requires---even demands---Poetry to also describe this mechanism.  This is the vocation to which you have been called, and until your final poem is written, you will have work to do.  
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Mylo commented on: Two Doors by Stephen 23 weeks 4 days ago
Thank you for your kind critique.: .
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arqios commented on: Two Doors by Stephen 23 weeks 5 days ago
Really felt that Mylo! Liked: Really felt that Mylo! Liked the dynamic and the interconnection. 
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Teytonon commented on: I think I remember something by Morningglory 23 weeks 5 days ago
Why haven’t you written..: Why haven't you written anything new in a long time? Are you retired now?
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J-C4113d commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A Poem To The EARLY CHRISTIANS by S74RW4RD 23 weeks 5 days ago
Thank you for commenting. : Thank you for commenting.  The Early Christians are very important to me; I think that is why I incline to Orthodox Christianity, because it feels more connected to them than the Western version.
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J-C4113d commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Basho, In Praise Of His Young BoyFriend, 04 [ /;\ ] by S74RW4RD 23 weeks 5 days ago
Thank you for interpreting: Thank you for interpreting that poem far beyond what I thought I had written; I am more pleased with it after reading your kind comment.
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J-C4113d commented on: Awake by signet 23 weeks 5 days ago
Although I cannot quite: Although I cannot quite interpret the tenth line, I think the rest of the poem is magnificent.
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Teytonon commented on: A Brief History of Man by karlmcallister 23 weeks 6 days ago
History of a man - brief..: History of a man - brief Baby - Pampers Adult - Boxers/Briefs Senior - Depends
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