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Wordman commented on: The Larks Sang. by sweetwater 14 weeks 1 day ago
No matter the wait, this is: No matter the wait, this is beautiful, a scene I never imagined, brought to life, imprinted, and set in a smile.  Thank you. 
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Wordman commented on: Victory Day by SSmoothie 14 weeks 1 day ago
Excellent, sharing a smile: Excellent, sharing a smile that big is always a welcome gift.  Grand luck and enjoy the ride.  
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Wordman commented on: Moonset at Winter's End by patriciajj 14 weeks 1 day ago
The winter in its hungered: The winter in its hungered death, challanges patience, delaying hope and its bounty, leaving us adrift to its will.  Yet when painted by hands that also recognize the beauty, the rewards that await those who dream, who conquer, even themselves, the truth is unmistakeable.  Your inspiring words always resonate deeply, you write of hope, the beauty of truth that is often overlooked in life, and the remembering that if we look close enough, we may still find some of those traits in ourselves.    uh, I'm running out of adjectives, so,  neato.   
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arielle commented on: my childhood bedroom by arielle 14 weeks 1 day ago
Thank you! I appreciate the: Thank you! I appreciate the feedback for this. This one means a lot to me. 
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patriciajj commented on: Request Prayer by S74RW4RD 14 weeks 1 day ago
You have been in my prayers: You have been in my prayers for days and I will continue to bombard Heaven with requests for your peace, comfort and well-being. You are greatly valued here; you've touched so many lives and your poems, believe me, are an inspiration. Take care of yourself and remember: you are in God's hands, the most loving Hands, the very, very best of Hands.    Heartfelt prayers and eternal gratitude. 
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Teytonon commented on: Where does time go? by LUGO 14 weeks 1 day ago
Where does time go? A senior responds..: Where does time go? A senior responds. Used to play in the sand box, spades with friends? I don't play anymore. My mind plays with me. Forgetfulness, seeing things that aren't there, etc. Used to wear Pampers, underwear? I wear Depends. Used to have a school bus waiting, then you have you wait and you pay? I have Access-A-Ride. Don't pay. Sometimes they're good, other times suck. Used to wear nametags, jewelry? I wear a nametag. So I don't forget who I am. Used to practice ABC's, for the SAT's? I use an EMT, have a DNR notice next to my bed. Used to be given everything, then had to work to earn it? I'm retired. I have an aide that gives everything I ask of her. Helps me get out of bed in the morning, help me when I need to use bathroom, prepares my lunch, etc. You're the best Patricia! Used to watch Channel 13 and MTV? I watch PornHub. Since I can't actually do anything anymore, this is the next best thing. Used to shop at kids world, etc..? I shop through the AARP website. What happened to you? You grew up. My friend, I don't know anything about you and what you've gone through in your life. For all I know, you may not be around anymore. I just want to tell you, in many respects, it doesn't get any easier as you get older. My mother used to say 'They call it the Golden Years? Feels more like brass'. Take care.    
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Pungus commented on: Unknown o’clock by Pungus 14 weeks 2 days ago
You come up with such: You come up with such clear-headed compliments, scrumptious and thank you, I hope all is well
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Pungus commented on: reflections effervescent by Pungus 14 weeks 2 days ago
I enjoy your comments much: I enjoy your comments much too much, sincere... Your bounty of information in shared analysis is always a joy to strip ribbon. And though I don't show it with appropriately timely response, it is always also joyous to hear from you, SSTRANGER
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Pungus commented on: prank by Pungus 14 weeks 2 days ago
As this famished not-blood of: As this famished not-blood of mine which runs deep thru decaying veins; thanks
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weepingwoman commented on: Maitreya & Gandharva by weepingwoman 14 weeks 2 days ago
Thank You Patricia _()_: my whole body started shaking when this one came through... it was weird...
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uninvited_1 commented on: MY BOOK by georgeschaefer 14 weeks 2 days ago
Don't feel bad dude, I've: Don't feel bad dude, I've been working on my first book of lyrics for some time, and I still am unsure of any release in the near future. 
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patriciajj commented on: Maitreya & Gandharva by weepingwoman 14 weeks 3 days ago
Woven with impassioned beauty: Woven with impassioned beauty and spiritual references: a highly charged combination!   I was captivated from start to finish, fine poet.   
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patriciajj commented on: Soul Brand by grayeyeddame 14 weeks 3 days ago
This has to be one of the: This has to be one of the most deftly crafted poems I've ever read on the subject of ill-fated love and its permanent scars.   You hit the bullseye, most excellent Poet!      
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patriciajj commented on: Letting Go by grayeyeddame 14 weeks 3 days ago
Quotable, valuable guidance: Quotable, valuable guidance that could change everything for so many people. A compact treasure. 
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patriciajj commented on: Food of the Fae by TheShadowKnows 14 weeks 3 days ago
You brought myth and magic to: You brought myth and magic to life with pulsating vibrancy and gripping emotion. Well done, fine wordcrafter!  
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