Currently confined to the hospital recovering from blood sespsis and have sustained a tremendous loss of motor ability in my legs. I am trying diligently to correct my reamming poems on postpoems, on which there embedded some very silly prodedural errors, as I am not enitrely sure this is the last go-around.
Please pay for me.
Praying you will get through..
Praying you will get through this ordeal and return to educating and enlightening us with your poetry. Keep the faith, my friend.
Thank you very much for those
Thank you very much for those words.
Starwardized [fka Starward]
Keep with it, my friend.
Keep with it, my friend. You've bounced back numerous times before, you can do it, again. My prayers are with you, for sure.
Thanks for the kind
Thanks for the kind encouragement.
Starwardized [fka Starward]
You have been in my prayers
You have been in my prayers for days and I will continue to bombard Heaven with requests for your peace, comfort and well-being. You are greatly valued here; you've touched so many lives and your poems, believe me, are an inspiration. Take care of yourself and remember: you are in God's hands, the most loving Hands, the very, very best of Hands.
Heartfelt prayers and eternal gratitude.
Thank you for thoe prayers.
Thank you for thoe prayers. I amsorry for the typp that I mised---I meant to say loss of mobile ablitity not love. I apologie for the brevity of this reply. I asas weak as a newborn kitten.
Starwardized [fka Starward]