Pisces & Taurus

I showed you my dark side

It kept haunting me

I needed an escape

Reached out for your water

But it swallowed me whole

Although you wanted to love me

It didn’t come easy 

Tested your currents

You did right though

By choosing yourself

But oh baby

Your dark side kept haunting you too

We were too similar 

At least I’m confronting my fears

Being vulnerable scared you the most 

Love could’ve saved us both

But your water and I’m earth

And other fish were swimming way too close

Temptation excited you the most

You chose to keep swimming when I needed to feel ground the most

Although it hurts

Thank you for sparking my fire that was buried deep below

I’ll learn to control my flame 

And I can’t wait for the day 

That your water won’t drown me to death 

But I get it 

You had to save yourself first

You went back to hiding in the deepest waters

It’s what’s familiar to you

All the lonely fish are there too

But you can’t hold your breath forever 

You’ll never see the light of day

Remember though

That you can’t have water without earth 

When will your denial end

I won’t be here for that day

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S74rw4rd157's picture

I applaud the way you have

I applaud the way you have converted two constellations to the controlling metaphors of your poem.

Starwardist [fka Starward]

Pungus's picture

Adorable astrological amazing

The kind of words I would wish my (nonexistent) girlfriend to remember me by! not a shy girl to balance as a tightrope talent, towering in silken skirt over burnt-out embers and sterile dirt.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not