My Enigma

I'm tired of hearing I need to be figured out.

I'm not a puzzle to be solved, not a question to be answered.
I don't see you hold your breath and wait for the wind to tell you how it sighs and bends the stalks of daisies
I see you smile as the breeze caresses your hair and cools you on a sweltering August afternoon
I don't see you close your eyes and refuse the stars their shine until they unravel the mysteries of the heavens 
I see you gaze, wide eyed, upon the burning celestial bodies that dot our universe
I see you drunk off wanderlust as the planets silently sing the beauty of the unknown 
The wind and the stars are questions that linger, yet you drink them in without hesitance 
I may not shine as bright
I may not refresh quite the same way
But I am 
And solving the greatest mystery within me cannot win my heart.
Running life's race alongside me, knowing it exists and falling in love with me while acknowledging the magnificence of this enigma I hold
That, my darling, 
will bring me to my knees.
allets's picture

The Rant Tradition

on Postpoems continues - u tell 'im woman! Enjoyed every line - Lady A