It's a painful stretch to re-loving
Gargoyles in clusters clutch at my heart
Talons pierced and locked wings wrapped upon layers
Pulling each one away takes insufferable self violence
Just to clear a small space to let you through
Too many years of inequity
have placed needs burning in my heart
you struggle to relinquish your control,
Your gift of consideration is noted.
Your changes have exceeded my expectations
Though we are nowhere near even.
Still, I play it peachy,
Your tenderness, your keeness to please me
Is unnerving,
too little, too late
Your heart whispers squeal like whistles in the hunt
Unsettling the watchdog beasts
Growling and snarling
Clawing tighter at the leather pith of a stone heart
Your own needs are barking
Your expectations are going to be laid,
I'm letting blood Before your debt is even paid
It's going to be different this time...
Claws tighten, wings gripping tighter
Artehoke heart,
just another set up
I keep anticipating the fall.
I go on pretending in the hope It will become real
Your darkness permeates
your dark love kills
Still there's something about you
I can't live without.
It's a painful stretch to re-loving
Gargoyles in clusters clutch at my heart
Talons pierced and locked wings wrapped upon layers
Pulling each one away takes insufferable self violence
Just to clear a small space to let you through
Too many years of inequity
have placed needs burning in my heart
you struggle to relinquish your control,
Your gift of consideration is noted.
Your changes have exceeded my expectations
Though we are nowhere near even.
Still, I play it peachy,
Your tenderness, your keeness to please me
Is unnerving, too little, too late
Your heart whispers squeal like whistles in the hunt
Unsettling the watchdog beasts
Clawing tighter at the leather pith of a stone heart
Your own needs are barking
Your expectations are going to be laid,
Before my debt is even paid I'm letting blood
It's going to be different this time...
Claws tighten, wings gripping tighter
Artehoke heart,
the just another set up
I cant keep from anticipating the fall.
I go on pretending in the hope It will become real
Your darkness permeates
your dark love kills
But there's something about you
I can't live without.
I applaud your use of
I applaud your use of metaphor to put wings and talons, so to speak, on the poem. Excellent work!
That's some kind of
I dont need.
Is this someone new ?
Love and War ?
No, just a general stance on
No, just a general stance on hurt. Any kind. Why we come back for more I don't really know we just do. I guess hope or maybe the small payoff is worth it. Stay wonderful cheers ss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."