Right before I was born,
you left my mother's side.
You couldn't even wait,
to see my handsome eyes.
I grew up not knowing,
a special part, you see.
The father I never knew,
had abandoned me.
I missed out on alot,
of father and son stuff.
Seeing you through a picture,
just wasn't enough.
Why did you punish me,
and leave me all alone?
To live without the memories,
of a father and son unknown.
From the outcome of your action's,
you have left sadness within me.
To learn how to live,
without the one I long to be.
Author's Notes/Comments:
This poem was wrote on behalf of the father of my other son Erick. His father left when he heard the new's of my pregnancy. Erick, now is a little before 12 year's old and takes thing's really hard sometimes because of his father not being there for him the whole time that has passed. If you are a father or a mother reading this poem, can you just leave your child and not have any contact with them whatsoever? Can you as a father or a mother understand how especially a child must feel without the presents' of their own parent's?
i'm anly 17 so i have no kids but i do help my mom take care of my sister who is only nine years old our dad lives with us but is always working out of town on weeks on end. iknow how hard it is to be away from my dad. and its hard on my sister. i've practacly raised her since she was four. imagine a 12 year old raiseing a four year old trying to teach her everything. now that shes 9 shes going to a private school all because i begged my dad to let her go. i treat my sister as if she was mine. i love her with all my heart and mom does not realise what i do for her.
so i know how your son feels.
and he well get threw it.
Having been a volunteer worker in the Children's ministry at my church for a few years, I have had the opportunity to work with kids who did not know their dads. Their story never ceases to break my heart. I have been blessed by these kids more than I could ever minister to them. You see, boys who do not know their dads, often look for an older guy to look up to, a guy who will live out the Father's love before them. I have been "adopted" by several young boys whose own fathers had abandoned them. For whatever reason, they chose me. Maybe it was simply because I was available. Maybe,it was because I took the time to listen to them, to treat them as if they were human beings (which is more than any "absentee father" ever did). A boy needs to know his dad loves him, and if he doesn't have that he'll turn to someone or something else. I'm glad that God allowed me to fill that void in those few young lives, because without a LOVING father figure, kids will turn to other things to drown out their sorrows. I capitalized the word "loving" for emphasis, because often dads who are physically present in a child's life are emotionally absent. I have known kids with and without dads "in the home" who have turned to drugs and alcohol simply because the absence of a father's love when they were young left them with a false sense of worthlessness. Anyone can father a child, but it takes a real man to be a daddy. A child's father and his dad are not always necessarily the same person. I encourage you to keep your children in church, if for no other reason than that is where all the Godly men hang out (although there are some real losers, there too. So be careful which ones you let form relationships with your kids).
Just a few thoughts from a single guy with no kids of his own.