
Nancy Langley

My Portfolio
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Missouri, America

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I love to walk the beaches on a warm summer night. I love to spend any and all of my free time with my children. I love to write poems, all categories of poems are of interest to me. I love spending time wit ma grandchildren, its a different experience! Most of all I love being myself!!

Website(s) or Email!/nancylangley1010?__user=100000520082640

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Life can be as complicated as you make it or as easy as you want it to be. Stop worrying, be nice to one another, help your neighbor, or those in need. And just because you have more material things than other people do, then it doesn't necessarily mean that you have the heart of GOLD that God desired for you to have! Material thing's are only there for a short time while your heart of GOLD remains forever...


Member for
22 years 18 weeks