When I was one year old,
my daddy passed away.
I miss him so much,
every single day.
I'm nine year's old now,
it's really hard for me.
To go through my life,
without my daddy here to see.
I want to tell him about,
thing's he need's to know.
Like school and other thing's,
and that I Love Him So.
This will never happen,
what I want in the end.
So I often look at his picture,
and from there I pretend.
I tell him everything,
even though it's not for real.
I tell him that I Love Him,
and exactly how I feel.
To Gabino Fraire--Through The Eye's Of His Son --Gabino A. Fraire
i really do agree to put it all in the open...i didn't loose my father but i almost did my dad had a bad hearattack and i was afraid he was gonna die but i was glad when i came home....now i did loose a loved one i lost my great grandma who was 91 almost 92 i lost her just this past september and it was really hard for me cause i was really close to her but i have understood that death is a part of life and that the Lord is always taking our loved ones from us and taking them to a much better place where they are not in any more pain then what they where in.....thank you for sharing this lovely poem
I too lost my father at a young age, and I still miss him to this day.
This was so nice and a touching story and good for your son for all of the above!! He really did a great job and yes, venting it out is a GREAT thing for us all. Thanks for sharing! V.
Yes, it is better to express your feelings. If I didn't think so, I would not be a poet. If you did not know this to be true, you would not be a poet. If there were no poets, the world would be an awefully bland place to live. So, we must express ourselves, for our own sanity, and for the sake of those we love. My heart goes out to your son. It must be so hard to go through life without a dad. May God bring older Christian guys into his life to act as "Father-figures," and may God bless you tremendously for all the sacrifices you have made, and continue to make for your son.
In Christ,
T. W. Smith