Executions kill the prisoner but cannot resurrect the victim.
They only continue the cycle of violence.
Numerous studies indicate a death penalty does not deter killing.
A prisoner on death row has often acted in hot passion, perhaps under the spell of alcohol or toxic antidepressant drugs. But an execution judge murders with cold premeditation.
What is a death qualified jury? An unconstitutionally constituted jury from which prosecutors exclude any compassionate abolitionists.
In excluding abolitionists, prosecutors and judges deny the right of a defendant to a jury of his or her peers.
The state cannot give life but demands the right to take it. -Frederick C Davis & Harry O Hoyt
Why are African American jurors excluded by many prosecutors? Because they are more merciful.
Judge no one, we are told. Only God is omniscient. No one else has all the data.
Execution judges have their gavels and pens as murder weapons
As most who eat meat delegate the murder of the animal to a slaughterhouse worker, so most judges prosecutors and parole boards delegate the murder of a prisoner.
Prosecutors have often put their careers ahead of ethics and have often executed innocent men and women.
Now in the US for the first time those who oppose the death penalty are 60% of the population.
Prosecutorial lynching included the use of jailhouse snitches, a term for cellmates or jailmates who will lie in order to receive favors such as early release from prison.
War which is a death penalty sentence for millions desentizes to execution and vice versa
Some state supreme courts have are composed entirely of whites. At least one parole board has been all white males, many employed by the privatized prison system.
The current 6 Republican justices on SCOTUS define themselves as 'prolife'. They are in favor of fetal rights but not of the right to life of prisoners, victims of illegal wars, animals in slaughterhouses.
Supreme Court justices at present are unelected. They serve for life. These unelected persons can quash the will of the vast majority, hundreds of millions of sovereign individuals
Executions cost a state millions of dollars. Former governor Robert Taft of Ohio, great grandson of President Taft, is one of many Republicans who have changed their minds because of factors such as the execution of innocents and the expense.
Fewer will be guilty of contempt of the present Supreme Court when executions and ratification of torture cease, when money is no longer classified as speech, when wars are not rubber stamped.
Agatha Christie: Judges murder within the law.
Sister Helen Prejean: No one is the worst moment in his life.
Elizabeth George: (the loved ones) of a murder victim like to project guilt onto someone else. Those who work to execute the killers of their loved ones are choosing the dead over their living loved ones. They keep rubbing the sore (of the crime) rather than engaging in healing.
American Bar Association: Executions are racially and economically biased (the poor and not the rich who kill are executed). The ABA found many to be incompetent in preserving DNA evidence while a death row inmate remains behind bars. There hasn't been police interrogations recorded and no state has met ABA standards inproviding counsel for indigent prisoners.
A black man on death row is 3.8 times more likely than a white man to be executed.
P G Wodehouse when responding to someone who used racist speech:
"I don't hate in plurals." -
Saint of Shirdi: Bullets do not eliminate darkness.
Amnesty Internation: UN opposition to death penalty grows.https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/12/un-opposition-to-the-death-penalty-continues-to-grow/
As only 5 states, Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas, all with Republican governors, only 10% of US states, executed prisoners in 2020. There were 13 federal executions, almost double the 4 in TX, and 1 each in the other 4 states. Internationally, only 20 of 195 countries murdered prisoners in 2020. It is time to elect 1 justice every 1 or 2 years . The US instituted direct election of US senators a century ago. It has long been time for direct election of justices.
Whether one is a believer, agnostic or atheist, in every faith and ethical system are those who oppose death chambers.
Some Christians support politicians and judges who kill prisoners.
Jesus stopped an execution in progress. "Let him without sin cast the first stone."
David was never executed, though in lust he deliberately sent the husband of the woman he desired
to the front lines.
Cain was not executed for killing Abel in jealousy.
Moses was not executed for killing the Egyptian in anger.
Paul was not executed for killing Christians in obedience to a violent government.
Governor Jesse Ventura said when he ended Minnesota executions, as others had said before him "Thou shalt not kill is not asterisked with
God is infinite mercy.
(Since 2004, the FDA has required a warning on all antidepressants because of their correlation to
homicides and suicides)
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I'm always impressed by how
I'm always impressed by how well-researched your takedowns of our draconian society are, and how deftly you anticipate every rebuttal. Because of its blatant hypocrisy, ineffectiveness in deterring crime (It's been proven!), and inconsistency with the free world's definition of a civilized society, (The US is the last democracy to cling to government-sanctioned murder) I was opposed to the death penalty back when something like 70% of the population was in favor of it. I'm pleased to discover through your commentary that 60% now oppose.
I love the quote by Sai Baba Shirdi. I don't care what anyone's justification for killing is. That's the last word. End of story.
Patricia, You are always
Patricia, You are always positive, kind and brilliant. Thank you
To Saiom and Allets: in my
To Saiom and Allets: in my opinion, the comment time-stamped 4:59 on 18 January 2021 is inappropriate, and should not have posted. To tell someone what they probably believe, instead of framing a query about what they believe, is discourteous and disrespectful. To say it with an pejorative implication is crude. A comment like this pretends to the level of public discourse, but descends to the cesspool of spiteful inanity. It does not belong on postpoems, but on some fringeboard somewhere/
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
Dear J, Whether one is a believer, agnostic or atheist in every faith and ethical system are those who oppose death chambers.
Some Christians support politicians and judges who kill prisoners.
Jesus stopped an execution in progress. "Let him without sin cast the first stone."
David was never executed, though in lust he deliberately sent the husband of the woman he desired
to the front lines.
Cain was not executed for killing Abel in jealousy.
Moses was not executed for killing the Egyptian in anger.
Paul was not executed for killing Christians in obedience to a violent government.
Governor Jesse Ventura said when he ended Minnesota executions, as others had said before him "Thou shalt not kill is not asterisked with
God is infinite mercy.
Agreed. I applaud your
Agreed. I applaud your Biblical citations.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
Thank you J. I agree that
Thank you J.
I agree that it might have been better for me to frame a query than to proclaim opinions.
Apparently, my clumsy comment
Apparently, my clumsy comment has caused confusion. My first comment was not meant to criticize, in any way, the presentation of your material. My comment was directed toward a previous comment---not your poem---and, to that end, I included the time stamp and date of the comment I though inappropriate. I sincerely apologize if I caused any confusion.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
a vicious circle created by
a vicious circle created by man and carried out by man,can you see hillary administering the death drug
ron parrish
I guess there are people
I guess there are people who are Democrats, Republicans, and Trump supporting Republicans who support executions. They are now 40% of the population according to polls which report that for the first time a majority of Americans oppose execution.
Thank you RP
you`re welcome,was just
you`re welcome,was just thinking about a criminal like hillary pulling the plug on someone
ron parrish
I Think Everyone
Who set foot inside the capitol knowing the window they entered by or by the forced open door were traitors. They earned the death penalty. I was surprised that the majority of death row evil doers are male caucasian.
The racist implementation
The racist implementation of the death penalty has been the subject of thousands of articles. Thanks for reviewing the post, A.
It is not for me to speak on
It is not for me to speak on behalf of Allets, as she is more than capable of speaking eloquently for herself. But, with all due respect to her, I have not seen where she has said all of the Innkeeper's supporters should be executed. And I would say to the person or persons who raise that assertion that she has: please cite an exact statement and its location. I think her comment was directed toward those of the Innkeeper's supporters who engaged in insurrection; who, in their lack of logic, common sense, and decent courtesy, thought they could break laws in order to "uphold" the law. They are the same sort of thugs to whom, in the twenties, the Nazi and Fascist Parties directed their recruitment efforts. I think that each of them that can be identified should be prosecuted, convicted, and punished without clemency to the fullest extent of the law, for their attack was not just on a building but upon civil servants and upon the ideals and ideas on which this Nation was founded. I can hardly believe that they wanted to lynch the Innkeeper's right hand man simply because he believed that the will of the Electorate should trump (excuse the intentional pun) the Trumps' empowerment schemes. Those who were calling for his execution should be charged with attempted murder and conspiracy (a favored word among the Innkeepers' followers) to commit murder.
As for healing the divisions caused, agitated, and promoted by the Innkeeper during this last four years of the lowest kind of comedy, we should follow the words of the Greatest American: malice toward none, charity toward all. He also said we should bind up the wounds of the nation--and that is as needful now as it was then. The Electorate who boldly and bravely dismissed the Innkeeper must be led by Father Abraham's timeless wisdom. The ardent lover of Anne Rutledge and of the Union's ideals should still be our guide as he continues to teach us from the hallowed realms of our History.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]