
People call me an atheist.

Even have the audacity to call me a "heathen".

So be it. 


When we love someone

in the midst of being separated from them forever,

for whatever reason---


difference of opinion,

personal preferences,





We feel the impact of love,

on us,

to its most powerful extreme.

It would "seem" natural....


that we would be able to know

from that alone,

that love is the most powerful force

on the face of the Earth

as far as motivating






and trust it....

"go with the flow".


The greater the pain is,

the more intensely we feel the love,




that does not seem to be the case in all instances.


Separation often brings resentment,  


regression into destructive coping mechanisms,


more distance,

and instead of love growing,

it disappears completely,

as people cling to belief systems

that place man made moralistic laws and priorities

before it. 


 In the bible it says,

(for my bible friends)

"thou shalt place no false gods before me".  

Just sayin.

Translate it how it makes sense to you.


There is no superior morality,

and there is no particular type of


or religion






There is just love.


Take it, or leave it. 

It is what it is.


©June 2016

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The holy babble.

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KindredSpirit's picture

God is Love.

God is Love.

nightlight1220's picture


Thx for ur comment. I am back after a long hiatus and am looking forward to reading ur work....when i get done replying.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Sassylass's picture

I agree

God is love.

I respect the decision to not believe as does God respect that choice.

I've a bit different take on the Bible and God as a believer in superme unconditional love.

There is an enemy who lives to steal,kill and destroy.

Human love  phileo is fragile without agape love.


While I may disagree with your philosophy ,I choose to only say it well written. It is only my job to speak truth as I experience it.


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



nightlight1220's picture


Thank you for commenting. I am looking forward to reading ur work.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


allets's picture

Dear Heathen:

We are who and what

we will and wish. Bible

quotes are often

paraphrased having

been learned in youth

and edited later. Holy

text writing is expert

in marketing techniques.

The "no other God" law

as Command (a truly

military term) dismisses

all other religious dieties.


Pray all day and serve no

other God(s) staves off

fear of death and what

(a surprisingly anthropomorphic

and human reward based

assurety) comes after life.


Humans are great institution 

builders and the ongoing 

commercials rake in billions

of "souls" and enormous wealth

decade to decade.


Most humans miss the point

that such texts and absolutisms

are guides and internships to belief.

Faith follows and a nod of thanks 

goes to the teachers that merged

mind and existence.


To die unafraid is the last goal, 

to live unaffraid is the first

Command. You have to admit

that to never be alone is a nice

ace to have in your hand.

: )




nightlight1220's picture

Thank you

I really enjoyed reading that, Stella. I love different perspectives to think about. 

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "