Do you..?

Do you still get lost in the world of clouds?

I wonder whether you still search for me,

In the touch of the raindrops,

I wish I could be with thee.


I regain the old memories in the songs new,

The leaves of memories help me to see your face,

Honestly I have spent numberless nights thinking of you,

Enough! I can’t against time continue to race.


I just want to know- do you still get lost in the world of clouds?

Does your heart intensely look for me in the raindrops?

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Jesster's picture

Beautiful. I'm finding myself

Beautiful. I'm finding myself always choosing to read your works when I see them. :)

Copyright © JessterStarshine

KingofWords's picture

Thank You.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. To be honest, I feel honoured.

Areik's picture


This is absolutely wonderful :)


My poems are pure and easy to read. I do not cry and I will not bleed. I love it all and it's easy to see. In me lives a poet. And a poet that never deceives

KingofWords's picture

Thank You.

Thank you so much. I am really glad that you liked it.