He said, “My father offered me two pieces of advice
that have worked my whole life through,
and now that you are old enough
I offer them to you”:
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
for no matter how often you’re burned,
don’t think of it as a mistake…
think of it…as a chance to learn.
Think of it as an opportunity
rising from a momentary shame.
Besides, if you never make a single mistake…
how often would you hear your name.
And don’t be afraid to ask for help.
It means your conscientious…your concerned.
It’s does not show your weakness…
It shows your willingness to learn.
If you are confused or befuddled in life,
if it’s knowledge that you lack…
Who better to ask about the road ahead…
than those who are coming back.
And I listened to my father’s words…
For in the countless mistakes I’ve made…
and in all the times I’ve asked for help…
I have never been afraid.
Asking for help and finding
Asking for help and finding those who can help, good adviced.