Chastity Belt

Would you lock up my love

Like you want to be tied to me?

Lock up my womb

Like you’ve locked up my heart?

Shackle my soul to a ring?

Do you want me to stay

For love or because I’m in chains?

Men and their fences

Around land, animals, and fingers

Men invented prisons

Both of the body and the soul

Will you set me free?

Is love its own prison

Or its own hell?

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The Evil Juan's picture

I kinda saw where you were going. You didn't use any rhyme scheme,but thats ok. Escpecially the last question you compared to things that are alike. Please explain to me what you are meaning here. I dont mean to sound mean. Really, your other works are pretty good.

J-9thxciv's picture

Quite profound.


Turki Amer's picture

i love this one
i do identify with each word said here
but on the contrary
i know a complete opposite to this:
a woman who chains her "property"
i condemn both
thanks for sharing