Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled مرحبا يا صباح 33 weeks ago
  #مرحبا_ياصباح في جيبهِ يبقي دوماً لطفلتهِ اللوزَ والسكّرْ وقطفةَ الحبقِ يبوسُ كفّيَ أمدّ في غنجٍ خدّي لقبلتهِ أقول.. هيّا اسقِ ما أذ...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled سأبقى أثرثر 33 weeks ago
  كيف سأمضي بصمتٍ ممضِّ أقولُ لقلبي كفاكَ احتراقاً اقولُ لعيني يا عينُ غضّي أصدّقُ حقّاً أن السكوتَ شبيهٌ بتبرٍ أن الكلامَ لجينٌ وفضّي؟...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Better late than… 33 weeks ago
I know a gal named Shirley Whose husband Al is burly  Recently had a fight It lasted all night Because Shirley said Al called her 'surl...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THANKFUL FOR MY ABILITY TO SAY THANK YOU 33 weeks ago
  Today I’m thankful for the ability to say thank you… and may we…with gratitude and grace…. say thank you every day… to the people who...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled IOUs 33 weeks ago
  On my walk this morning at the beginning of the day my mind wandered to all the IOUs I’ve passed out along the way.   All those...
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J-C4113d's picture
J-C4113d posted a new Poem titled Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Exit Interview On Psalm 103:15 33 weeks ago
He said, "We are here a little while, and then gone." That is why it is best to be saved in Christian Faith before being withdrawn from this...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled It’s tough out there 33 weeks ago
This is the story of three men Who applied for the same job Who each had an interview  With the HR Director Bob   The first man Bo...
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pamschwetz's picture
pamschwetz posted a new Poem titled AHA MOMENTS 33 weeks ago
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J-C4113d's picture
J-C4113d posted a new Poem titled Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Poem For Lady Certainly, Its Theme From 1 Thessalonians 4:18 33 weeks ago
When, as it does daily, your Faith ministers to me, I am uplifted by your Christian spirituality, and your deep sense of the promised eterni...
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled To Die for Something 33 weeks ago
Carrying a pillar ofpain, I stand before the sun. Thedementia fails to spoil me.What is the pathologyof flesh between the souls? Can wecount...
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arqios's picture
arqios posted a new Poem titled of thunder and fire 33 weeks ago
if we stretched out rumpled sheets sunlight opalescent shades shape there on an open square each step without a care a wan smile through thu...
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unspokenvoice's picture
unspokenvoice posted a new Poem titled liar 33 weeks ago
you slash me down with your serpents tongue for wvery vulnerability i exposed to you, then had the nerve to ask me why im a liar. you taught...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Too grody, needs Jodie 33 weeks ago
Mary had a little lamb Loved by the girls and boys But Mary didn't like this lamb Said it made too much noise   She didn't know what to...
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Savvart's picture
Savvart posted a new Poem titled Abundance 34 weeks ago
An overflowing cup, a bounteous feast, A life of plenty, a soul at peace, A heart of gratitude, a spirit free, Abundance, it's what we seek...
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Seeker's picture
Seeker posted a new Poem titled Castaway 34 weeks ago
Life has cast me upon a distant shore      the would not I have never chose   bits of wood silvered white  ...
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