On my walk this morning at the beginning of the day

my mind wandered to all the IOUs I’ve passed out along the way.


All those lessons my parents tried to teach me…some I even learned

how they tried to help me think and grow …while asking nothing in return.


Then there’s my family…my wife, my children and my grandchildren too…

who have taught me all about myself…so many IOUs


And throughout my life what about all those little things my friend continue to say and do…

to each an every one…I owe a host of IOUs. 


I’ve also been the recipient of random acts of kindness…

from strangers….people I never actually met…

whose kindness I remember…whose faces I forget.


I guess I’ve written a million IOUs…a million checks that I’ve left blank…

for those million acts of kindness…I offer now…a million thanks.


And to the million of you out there…

know from all of you I’ve learned…

for every IOU I pass out…

I do my best…

to receive one in return.

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