Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Ramps For Spiritually Handicapped 21 years ago
We work to mandate for the spiritually handicapped.. access ramps for easier entry into heaven We hope in so doing to be lifted there ourse...
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hhickson's picture
hhickson posted a new Poem titled Six Miles 21 years ago
Six miles to save a life Twelve miles to set the stage Eighteen miles through the strife twenty-four miles Jessica is saved.
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christopher_ryan's picture
christopher_ryan posted a new Poem titled (trying to set them free) 21 years ago
save it. time becomes something that just passes between myself and the world around, outside of my thinking and slipping further from my re...
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Sonnet--LOVE AS IT IS 21 years ago
Love is higher than any alp there is more potent than any known poetry exceeding even Marlow’s verbosity and Shakespeare’s pith of evanesce...
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rayjax12's picture
rayjax12 posted a new Poem titled "MAN YOU A HOE" 21 years ago
you called her whore a slut, started to cluck what now shes poultry a womans deminear is poetry so she's a trick because she sucked a lil di...
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onetear2007's picture
onetear2007 posted a new Poem titled The Rain Will Always Know 21 years ago
I’m watching the sky wash the tears away, Washing the pain out of my soul, The rain cleanses all that cross her path She removes the blood a...
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled PRECIOUS HAIKU FOR YOU APRIL 5, 2003 21 years ago
War - when all that matters is to be alive
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled MALAYSIAN HAIKU APRIL 5, 2003 21 years ago
keeping a dream alive Mahathir's last brush with the G8 last g eight meeting for the prime minister before he retires in october. it is ma...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled WMD 2 21 years ago
Weapons of Mass Destruction, said Bush, were a reason to invade the country of Iraq. The US government goaded by Winston Churchill and the O...
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radanax's picture
radanax posted a new Poem titled Growing 21 years ago
Under a high and mighty fire I drew circles in the sand, Scribing the doom of fell empires And stalwart defenders In apocalyptic cavalcade....
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mythers's picture
mythers posted a new Poem titled Weeping Willows 21 years ago
Weeping willows see the misery that bleeds in shattered lovers hearts.
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Zoos 21 years ago
San Diego Zoo has in the past sold primates to UC Davis   for research. A polar bear died of heat suffocation at a zoo. Cleveland...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled SARS 21 years ago
The pharmaco-medico-insurance industrial complex.. is ignoring the hundreds of millions of deaths from meat, fish and dairy consumption whic...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Washington Post Errata 21 years ago
The Washington Post reported that Jessica Lynch was stabbed and shot. Her father reported that neither was the case.
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lillep's picture
lillep posted a new Poem titled Regretta Rose 21 years ago
"Regretta Rose"   4 - 3 - 03 Solemn song, this is the Tune I have sung since i was with You Barren heart, Drought of Despair Torn...
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